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Short essays are often assigned to the student but they don’t know what short essays are because there is no specified length of a short essay, basically the length always depends on the topic nature so if you have much knowledge about the topic then you can easily write your short essay.
Therefore, short essays depends on the topic selection so if you don’t know on which topic you should write then there is no way you can write a good essay. This is why; we are providing you with a list of titles that can be used for writing a short essay.
Free short essay topics:
We will divide the list of short essay topics into different categories which will make the selection process much easier for you.
Short essay titles that are based on society:
1 Money- the root cause of every problem
2 How to save natural resources from getting wasted?
3 Life in a village
4 Ways to prevent crimes in a society
5 Do we know the actual meaning of liberty?
Short essay titles that are based on education:
1 My best classmate.
2 My favorite teacher
3 The book that I can read thousand times
4 A page from my diary
5 My favorite subject is maths because….
Short essay titles that are based on personal characteristics:
1 Ten things I love doing
2 An essay about me
3 Football is my favorite sports because….
4 Things which I love to do in my leisure time.
5 Smoking is injurious to health
Short essay titles that are based on travel:
1 Visit to a museum
2 Picnic on a farm house
3 Wonderful experience of travelling by train
4 A zoo
5 My dream country where I would like to live
Short essay titles that are based on life:
1 Last time I got frightened
2 If I were the president of this country
3 Road side accident
4 The most memorable moment of my life
5 My favorite story
Short essay titles that are based on knowledge:
1 Education for masses can only built one nation
2 Without mathematics human being cannot progress
3 Importance of science education for the children
4 Tolerance is important for a peaceful nation
5 Habit of reading newspaper daily.
Other interesting short essay titles:
1 Casinos should be banned
2 Unforgettable memories of my childhood
3 “A man is known by the company he keeps”. Please comment
4 Life on a deserted island
5 First day of my school
6 “Experience is more important than books”. What do you think?
7 Unforgettable day of my life
8 How to explore oneself?
9 How did I spent the last year?
10 How to write an autobiography?
11 Comparison between a career oriented women and a housewife
12 How to prevent smoking in our youth?
13 What did I do with my first salary?
14 Me and my family.
15 Merits and demerits of open media.
Now, its up to you on what kind of topic you would like to discuss in your short essay!
Mar 292019
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