
Getting Out Of Trouble!

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Feb 092024

This very possibly could be the most important article I have ever written for some of you.

What do you do when you have cash flow issues?

This can cripple your business whether your are an experienced RE investor or if your a beginner.

In early 2002, I had hit the wall. A $10,000 a month negative cash flow problem. I’d just quit my J.O.B. of 17-1/2 years so I could achieve my dream of becoming a fulltime RE investor.

I thought I had this business all figured out. I’d attended great live events and studied at the feet of the masters. I didn’t for see the downturn in the rental market in my city and it reached up and bit me. I hadn’t done the job of finding private lenders, so I couldn’t fund my business.


Fortunately, I had a 15 minute coaching phone call with Ron LeGrand because I had signed up for a mentoring program with him. That 15 minute call got me on the right path.

He even made me the feature article on a monthly newsletter he published that month.

Some of actions he gave me were:
1) Get out 10 pointer sign for each empty house. Replace the ones that come up missing each week. Get the empties filled.
2) Get a mortgage broker that will handle C&D credit and get some of my lease option tenant/buyers cashed out.
3) Cut spending on buying houses and focuses on selling. He had more actions and I’ll share them in a future newsletter.

Let me list a few ways to get out of trouble or at least generate some near term cash…

1) Refi!
Yep, if you’re paying a private lender 15% and you are holding the property longer than planned, you need to make sure you don’t get upside down on the property. Watch your profit margin. If you need too, either bring in a private lender at a lower rate or find a lending institution for 6% or 7% and refi. Now, you’ll need to do the math and see where the breakeven is:
a) Loan x 15%/12 = interest per month
b) Loan x 6%/12 = interest per month
c) A – B = $ saved per month
d) Closing cost $ / $ saved / mo = breakeven

So if the breakeven calculation comes out to 6 months then if you are going to hold the property longer than 6 months, then do the refi.

2) Find at least 3 mortgage brokers and let them compete for your business.

3) If you have a bunch of equity in the property…
a) Sell at full price and if need be, carry back a 2nd mortgage and then sell the 2nd.
Hint: How to sell a 2nd? Run an ad in the local paper.
b) Wholesale to a RE investor
c) Cut price and look for a cash buyer

4) Look at your ‘model’. What I mean by that is to take a hard unbiased look at the structure of your business. Is it making you money? Do you know your real numbers?

Let me give you an example. When I got into the business, I was using a buy & hold philosophy of low end properties. It worked but I wanted to make more money and not wait years to payoff the property to have a great cash flow.

So, I decided to buy, fix & sell the same houses with a lease option exit strategy. I’d fix the property to sell and not to rent so I had a larger lien on the property.

It didn’t work. The reason it didn’t work was because the tenant/buyer had a ‘renters’ mentality on these low end houses.

They would live in the property for a few months to a year and then quit paying. I’d evict, put $3,000 back in the property to get it up to speed and then do it all over again (and again and again).

When I did the math, I realized that I wasn’t making the profit I had expected. To top it off, when I did get one of these closed, I’d end up carrying back a 2nd mortgage. Ouch! That just added insult to injury.

Let me give you a model that might work for some of you.
1) Target a medium price range property or higher.
2) Purchase for all cash using private money. Let the money accrue.
3) Fix and retail.
4) If not sold by 6th month, then refi at 6-7% interest
5) This frees up the private lenders money so you can use it again.
6) Put a lease option tenant or land contract (contract for deed) buyer in the property. This covers your monthly expenses.
Look at all the upsides to this model. You buy a property for all cash and have zero holding cost. You are trying to retail and get quick cash. If it doesn’t sell you go for soft terms, free up the private lender money so you can use it again and get a cash flow property because you refi the property at a low interest rate.

This cookie cutter approach will make you wealthy.

5) Tenant/buyers that have credit challenges…
a) If they need to open up a credit line to get financed, I hand them the form when e do the lease/option or land contract (contract for deed for some of you).
b) Put an escalation clause in the contract both on the price of the property & in the monthly rent/mortgage.

Something I am currently testing…

I am purchasing credit repair packages and then offering them to my tenant/buyers that have credit challenges. I’ll keep you posted.

In closing, I realize some of the items above might not be very popular with some of you but on the other hand, it might be a life saver to others.

The key to all of this is to take action.

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Dish Network The Best Investment

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Feb 082024

When deciding which provider of digital satellite television services is the best investment, you need to look at benefits as opposed to expense. Which one improves your home entertainment system as well as provides the best quality in services and programming at the most affordable price? Dish Network, one of the world’s leading providers, has a viewing base of more than 12 million who attest to their services, and J. D. Power and Associates consistently rate Dish Network at the top in customer satisfaction.

Consumer choice and control are priorities at Dish Network. They strive to provide the most popular programming and services in addition to giving consumers a wider selection in channel availability. Their attractive offer of free satellite equipment and professional installation (up to 4 rooms) is popular and includes a free Digital Video Recorder (DVR). This device enhances the entertainment system as it enables digital recording and storage of up to 100 hours of programming for viewing at later times. All programming is received via satellite in 100 percent digital format with the signals being converted to either standard or high definition resolution format for TV viewing. Crystal-clear imaging is guaranteed and is accompanied by CD quality or Dolby Surround sound. High definition is the ultimate in viewing and provides a theater-like quality viewing experience. Pictures are well-defined and are viewed in intense vivid colors. The slender remote features include Pause, Rewind, Fast Forward, Skip Forward, and a Parental Control. The Parental Control lets one block unsuitable programming from being viewed. Live programming may be stopped and resumed when ready for unexpected interruptions. Create libraries of favorite movies, sports programming, and music – all commercial-free. View one program while recording up to 2 more on different channels. Enjoy the most advanced technology available in pictures and sound with Dish Network.

Programming selections are diverse and many. Dish Network offers more than 250 channels of popular programming contained in incremental packages. Each package includes local channels, Sirius Satellite music channels, premium movie channels, news channels, sports, children’s and adult channels, educational channels – Disney and special children’s music channels, multi-cultural international programming, interactive programming, Karaoke channels, pay-per-view events, VOOM HD channels, and more. All these selections are offered by one provider in the package of choice, and each one provides something of interest to every member of the family.

To see a complete lineup of channels and package prices, simply click on Dish Network now. Detailed listings are available in addition to promotional incentives offered by iDishNetwork. Take advantage of their offer of Next Day Installation services – you could be enjoying your improved home entertainment system as early as tomorrow. All orders are handled professionally, and you will soon learn how easy it is to be included among the millions of happy customers. You will then know that the added benefits are so much greater than you have ever experienced and that the addition of Dish Network to your home entertainment is an excellent sound investment.

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Microsoft Reader: Today’s Ebook Solution

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Feb 072024

In this day and age we are busier than ever. Once, free time was something we all had plenty of. Now, free time is hard to find. Our lives have become hectic, fast paced, and for most people spare time means overtime.

The internet has helped us get some of our time back with shopping online. We can save tons of time by searching for what we want or need by checking out stores online for specials and stock.

I don’t like to always have to pay for shipping. So, if a store is close by, instead of driving from store to store, I find out which stores have what I want in stock, compare prices and away I go.

Another great way to save time is with audio ebooks. You can listen to them whenever you want. In the car, on your MP3 player or on your ipod. You can listen when you walk, jog, or workout. Even on your CD player, or on your computer.

Microsoft Reader is a good way to read or listen to your ebooks. If reading is your thing, then this is a great system. Just download the free software on to your computer and start shopping. If you already have ebooks, you can transfer them as well. To do this you will also need to download MSReaderSetupUSA.exe.

Once you do this, the set up will be installed into Microsoft Word. To load your ebook into Microsoft Reader all you need to do is to open your book in Word format, click file, then click read. From there follow the simple instructions and you are done.

Just one thing. If you listen instead of read, the audio is clear, but rather robotic sounding. For audio, Media Player or audio devices are much better.

For a quick link to the Microsoft Reader download, and for some great ebooks go to

The following information covers everything you need to know about Microsoft Reader. Including features and other display options. Try it out. I think you’ll like it. If you have any questions contact us at We will be happy to help you out.

Now it’s time to tell you about some of the amazing features of Microsoft Reader. Some, you may know or have heard of, others may blow you away. Just in case, hold onto your socks, you just may lose them.

The first thing is the Clear Type Technology. This technology makes the words appear on screen just as they would on a real book. It also has a Navigation System that remembers where you left off. How cool is that?

There is a Personalizing System that includes font sizing, drawing, personalized notes, and highlighting. Finally, the Text-to-Speech. I touched on this earlier, but I didn’t mention the Speech ad-in feature.

If you need more specifics, here they are. Microsoft Reader ebooks are made to be read on Microsoft Reader software only. You can read Microsoft Reader ebooks on Windows desktop and laptop PCs, Pocket PCs, and Tablet PCs.

The most frequently asked question is: Why should I use the Microsoft Reader ebook format instead of another format? The answer, Microsoft Reader is one of the most book-like ebook formats, and Microsoft Reader ebooks offer a versatile ebook solution, because they can be read on both your Windows computer and Pocket PC.

I won’t bore you with the system requirements. You can get all the information by going to Click on Microsoft Reader download, and its all there.

All that’s left to do is download and enjoy.

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Industry Website Urges Jewelers to Join the Battle Against Conflict Diamond Trade

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Feb 062024

Consumers, the diamond industry, and governments all agree that the illicit trading of conflict diamonds has to be completely eradicated. Although there have been steps taken by governments and the World Diamond Council, which represents the diamond industry as a whole, their efforts will be meaningless without the cooperation of individual jewelers and jewelry stores.

To help stop the illicit trade in conflict diamonds, a new industry website was launched with the purpose of gaining the cooperation of jewelers and jewelry retailers. The new website, , aims to get jewelers and online jewelry stores to sign up with them for free. Signing up with will signify the jewelers’ commitment to joining the fight against conflict diamonds trade. Joining will entail no expense but will require jewelers to commit to the policies of, which are in accordance to the policies laid out by the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme (KCPS).

Being a member of is also beneficial for the jewelers. Members get to post the logo on their websites or online stores. The logo will serve as a guarantee to all visitors of the website that the online store has a clear policy regarding conflict diamonds and that there are no conflict diamonds that are sold in the that store. Members also get to access all the information available on the website regarding the issue revolving around conflict diamonds.

The new step is simple. It only requires jewelers and jewelry store owners to sign up for membership at the Stop Blood Diamonds website. Membership is free but as mentioned earlier requires members to adopt the site’s policies against conflict diamond trade as part of their store policy. After jewelers and store owners have signed up, they then have the privilege of putting up a Stop Blood Diamonds Conflict Free logo on their websites. The easily identifiable logo will be an effective means for consumers to determine that website’s policies regarding conflict diamonds without having to search through it just to look for a written policy. This will also ease the minds of potential buyers who are becoming increasingly aware and educated about this extremely immoral trade practice.

For those interested in knowing more about acquiring the logo for their site you can visit StopBloodDiamonds and read more about the policies your store need to adopt to be able to join. Costumers can also visit the website to know more about conflict diamonds and what the diamond industry is doing regarding the issue.

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I Hate Writing Articles – Isn’t There An Easier Way?!

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Feb 052024

Owning, far-off and maintaining an internet based vocation or a site needs articles. Plain besides manageable, every who has a site knows this. Even those who don’t have sites but are frequent internet users knows this as well. Articles quench the thirst for whole story and knowledge of the people. Plus, the articles provides many other benefits for the site.

The benefits that articles provide are putting a hamlet high in the ranking in search results of keywords again keyword phrases that pertains or are relevant to his or her whereabouts. They also provide attraction to website visitors when they are useful and is linked to your berth from another site or newsletter. Articles provide for the increase of the confidence again trust levels of customers to your site besides company.

Several articles are again beneficial to both company and its traffic. When the readers like the articles, they would broadcast more of their friends, family and peers and recommend your site to them, providing for a larger volume of traffic. You get bigger sales if your traffic trusts and believes fix you. Your achievement or services would be much easier to sell when they comprehend you know what you are doing and talking about.

So ok, we have established that articles are very important to a niche and to business. Articles are crucial and to put ahead pull the merriment, a whereabouts must have an article, it is imperative. There is one worriment though, not sundry people like writing articles.

Many website owners would tolerably spend their time on meaningful added, and unless you’re a big time company, you don’t have the necessary resources to use on a pool of article writers. Plagiarism or copying of other articles is frowned upon and could soft get you into trouble, worst case scenario; a hefty radiant and jail time.

So what are the other options?

Well, for starters if you hate writing articles and you can’t afford to enlist people to write for you then don’t. Get free articles. The primeval place to viewing at for free articles is the public domain. Here you won’t have problems lock up copyright infringement again the following penalties besides fines if you get intent for plagiarism.

Public domain articles are articles freely given to the public for public use. You can do whatever you want protect it. You incubus place it on your site, name it as yours, put it in a newsletter its you decision. Always remember though that you will have to choose articles that is very relevant to your site.

The downside to public domain articles is that since it is free for everybody, many of your competitors may have access to them as well. Since every site needs to speak for original and unique comparable though you have the same niche, this could be a predicament. You may also have to edit them a agility to place more keywords and keyword phrases to make them finer.

And way to get free articles is to allow other sites which has the same subject or topic as yours to submit articles to your site. This would be apart to augment your existing light or else all your articles would mean leading to other sites since these articles would have resource boxes go underground them that could link or direct the readers to their site. That’s why it is important to have your own articles; you cold use them to link your site to other sites as well.

But, to truly feel the impact of what a good article to you, go for original ones. There are many article writers who do lot juncture and freelance article writing jobs that charges only minimal fees. You can get good articles that have all the keywords and keyword phrases you need and people are looking for.

The bag you made for these articles would symbolize worthwhile because you could use them for all the benefits you could offer. You hold copyrights to them and you will appear as able to use them anyway you want. As your articles relief you in building your business and your site, you will have more articles to write and maybe then you wont equal having succour thoughts about articles.

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Learn How to Shower To Keep Your Skin Healthy

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Feb 042024

Everyday you wash, shave, shampoo, clip your nails, wash, and dry your hair. Personal grooming, for most people, is a series of well-entrenched habits. And in most cases it is over done. Would you be willing to change your routine if doing so made your skin look more attractive and created a better-looking you?

Most adults whom are over thirty commit one big mistake when it comes to washing: The do too much of it. They shower in the morning, another after the gym, maybe even one before bedtime. If you spend twelve minutes in the shower, that’s too long. Cut your time in the shower to five minutes for your skin’s sake.

Too much washing results not just in cleanliness but in removing too much oil from your skin, and itchy and irritated skin, particularly in the winter months.

If you are using a shower without a water filter and with the steam build up, you are subjecting yourself and your skin to excess chlorine.

Below are bathing tips that you can benefit from:

1. Avoid using a washcloth on delicate areas, especially the mucous membranes. Do use a soft sponge to massage your skin. Use a glycerine soap and sponge and move in one direction toward your heart.

2. Use medium-warm water in the shower, the cooler the better, but not too cold.

3. If you have normal to dry skin, use Dove Unscented or Basis for Sensitive Skin on your body and either a soap free cleanser or nothing at all on mucous membranes. Do use many of the commercial bar soap, since they are harsh on the skin.

4. If you tend to have oily skin, then use good gylcerine soap. I use this type of soap and it removes just enough oil without drying my skin.

5. Skip a shower as often as you can. This may not seem like appealing advice but the more time you have in between showers the better. Skip a shower for a whole day once or twice a week, especially in the winter. Allow your skin to produce and maintain its natural oils. Or if this does not appeal to you, make your shower extra short on some days.

6. Make sure you use shampoos that contain mostly natural ingredients. A lot of commercial products contain synthetic chemicals, petrochemicals, and various dyes and artificial coloring. All of these un-natural chemicals are extremely bad for you health. Learn which chemicals to avoid.

So that you can improve the health of your skin, takes some time to look over your shower habits, Decrease the time in your shower, use a water filter to remove toxins from the water, massage your skin, and use only natural products for your skin and hair.

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The Ultimate Millionaire Wealth Secret

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Feb 032024

In the next paragraph I will reveal to you a very closely-guarded financial secret that only a handful of people are aware of.

Its so unusual and has been kept such a deep secret for so long that at first you may have trouble believing it – but I assure you its quite true. Some of the richest families in the world accumulated their using this very secret.

Wealth Secret: Its far easier to make big money during economic hard times than during the so called good years.

Fact: During the good times money moves in highly regulated and carefully controlled ways. But during economic hard times cash tends to change hands in highly unusual, even chaotic ways that makes it possible for common everyday people to quickly and easily amass huge fortunes.

Some of the largest family dynasties in the world accumulated their fortunes during the Great Depression of the 1930s. Since then they have passed the money down from generation to generation.

You can understand why the wealthy keep this fact a deep dark secret. But there is one exception – they pass the secret down to their children as if it were the family jewels.

Here is another odd fact: In 1933, in the depths of the economic depression a lady showed up at a fancy dress ball in a Chicago hotel wearing a dress made up entirely of one thousand dollar bills! Obviously, not everyone was starving during those supposedly lean years!

During the terrible hyper-inflation that swept through Germany in the 1920s those who transferred even a small amount of cash into foreign currencies lived like kings through the depression of the 1930s that followed.

Huge tax-free fortunes can also be made in the explosive black markets that will appear as if by magic when economic conditions decline. Those who have a small nest egg can quickly make huge profits by offering personal loans at exorbitant interest rates.

During economic depressions valuable assets such as cars, houses, jewelry etc. can be bought from desperate sellers for mere pennies on the dollar!

Later when the economy recovers those assets can be sold for much higher prices.

The Coming Economic Collapse

The U.S. is teetering on the brink of a financial meltdown.

Our government is forced to borrow over two billion dollars a day from foreigners. The dollar has declined over 30% during the past several years. The US auto and airline industries are collapsing. 78 million baby boomers are about to retire and drain trillions from the social security and Medicare systems. Workers pensions and health care benefits are being slashed or eliminated altogether.

City, county, state, corporate and federal debts are at or near record levels. Consumer debt alone has skyrocketed from 200 billion in 1990 to over 2.3 trillion dollars today!

How will you do during the hard times to come? Will you quickly get rich or will you starve like all the rest? Its up to you. Get the facts.


Commercial carpet tiles are a wise choice for you to invest in

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Feb 022024

The only one thing that works behind setting up a business is earning of profit. So what all people operating or owning any kind of business do is make all out efforts to ensure that their business does not suffer due to any thing that can easily be taken care of. There are many things that determine the outcome of any business undertaking and the look and décor of a commercial outlet is one of the important things that have a bearing on the outcome of the business. Commercial carpet tiles are one of the sources through which you can dramatically bring about a change in the way people see and feel about your commercial outlet.

Commercial carpet tiles can be the perfect choice of flooring for you commercial outlet. First of all carpet tiles are good to see installed at your place. They look more professional then the normal carpets that are commonly used in commercial outlets. The biggest advantage of using commercial carpet tiles is that this tile masks the sounds of footsteps and thus provides you with a noise free environment. It can be very annoying if you are concentrating hard on some work and suddenly this is broken by sounds of footsteps or some other thing that clutters and falls on the ground and makes lots of noise.

Simply putting commercial carpet tile in your office or commercial outlet will not help you out if you do not take steps to keep your commercial carpet clean and dry. While buying commercial carpet tile make sure that you buy the carpet that is resistant to spills of all kinds, moisture and also bacteria resistant. Buying this kind of commercial carpet tiles will help you in keeping your commercial carpet tile good and clean for a long time. After all you are putting commercial carpet tiles to enhance the décor of your office or commercial outlet appealing, so you must make sure that you use the best commercial carpet tiles.

Choosing a proper color and design pattern for your commercial carpet tile is very important as this will make your place all the more attractive and inviting to visitors. There is a wide variety of color and design from which you can make your choice. You can go to a store that sells commercial carpet tiles and find out a tile that matches your taste and budget perfectly. You can take the assistance of a commercial carpet contractor. He is the one source that can help you in making as estimate of how much commercial carpet you will need for your commercial outlet.

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