
Top Acne Myths one should know about acne

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Jan 242024

Acne is such a common affliction to most people that there are so many myths about the cause and solution for its treatment. Some beliefs are baseless and unscientific and some are qualified with the suitable facts. Some of these myths have existed for generations but they may not be totally correct. Let’s take a look at some of the most common acne myths.

Myth: Acne Is Caused by Eating Oily Food, Chocolate or Caffeine

There is no strong medical evident that certain type of food or diet result in acne. However if you notice that certain kind of food consistently cause you to suffer from acne outbreak, it is best that you avoid them. For example, some people are very sensitive to food with high iodine content such as shellfish, dried fish and seaweed which result in flare-up. There are some studies theorize that hormones in chicken, beef and dairy products may cause early adolescent acne but that has yet to be proven. However if you have concerned, then you may want to substitute other sources of protein and calcium for these products or try hormone-free organic version of them.

Myth: Acne Is Seasonal

Acne is not a seasonal skin problem. You can suffer from acne outbreak during any time of the year. However temperature and humidity may increase the oil production of your skin and hence result in acne.

Myth: Sunscreen Causes Acne

A heavy and occlusive sunscreen can attract and hold on to heat in your follicles which can result in skin inflammation and causing numerous small red bumps to form. However this reaction is not true acne but a condition known as miliaria. A good non-comedogenic sunscreen will not result in acne.

Sun screen is a very important prevention measure against skin cancer. Hence we will never advice you not to use it. In fact, you should always apply sunscreen to your skin when you need to go under the sun. For people will acne-prone skin, we?ll recommend that they use oil-free non-comodegenic sunscreen.

One important thing to note – Acne medicine such as benzoyl peroxide Rein-A and salicylic acid may increase your skin sensitivity to the sunlight. Hence if you use these medicines, it is very important that you apply sunscreen before you leave the house.

Myth: Drinking Lots of Water Will Wash Away Acne

Although drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water each day is essential for a healthy body, there is no evidence that drinking water alone will wash away acne. While water alone will not eliminate acne, it will greatly assist your skin in remaining healthy and that will be one portion of the pie in fighting acne.

Myth: Sun Exposure Help To Heal Your Acne

With the increasing use of blue light by some dermatologist in treating acne, some people start to believe that sun exposure helps to heal their acne. A small amount of sunlight may appear to help your acne initially as breakout temporary dry up and your new tan help to cover up the red blemishes. However prolonged sun exposure will increase the plugging of your pores, producing blackheads and whiteheads and not forgetting the increase in risk of skin cancer.

Myth: Acne Is Caused By Not Washing Your Face Regularly Acne is not caused by dirt or uncleanliness. In fact, if you wash your face too often or rub it with alcohol to help you get rid of excess oil and to feel clean, that in fact will stimulate more oil production. Washing your face twice a day is usually good enough to get rid of dirt and bacteria on your skin.

Myth: Blue Light Therapy Can Cure Acne

Many dermatologist are using blue light wave in treating acne today. Blue light works by sterilizing the skin for a short period of time, removing acne bacteria and temporary improve acne when used with traditional topical acne medication.

However it is still too early at the moment to tell whether blue light therapy is in fact helpful and whether its long term benefit out weigh the expenses and frequently visits for the therapy. Will have to wait and see as studies on it effectiveness as studies are still on going.

Custom essay writing service ProfEssays focuses on scholarship essays.

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Jan 232024

Nowadays many young people whose parents can’t afford to pay tuition view scholarships as the only opportunity to receive higher education. Actually two factors are vital in the process of obtaining a scholarship. The first of them is naturally the academic achievements of an applicant. The second factor that often becomes crucial consists in writing a scholarship essay. Such an essay may either convince the scholarship committee to grant you the scholarship or destroy all your hopes, close this single door leading to your possible bright future. Scholarship essays vary greatly in subject, matter or theme. However, most of them require describing personal experience. For a scholarship essay one is free to choose the subject oneself. It is recommended to devote a few weeks simply brainstorming different ideas, since an interesting, original subject creates a good prerequisite which will positively effect the decision of the scholarship committee. While thinking over the subject and the stuff of your essay it is necessary to muse on the following things.

Try to recollect your major accomplishments, give persuasive reasons for considering them accomplishments? Your achievements shouldn’t be restricted to the ones which have been formally recognized by others. Do not limit yourself to accomplishments you have been formally recognized as the most interesting essays often are based on accomplishments that may have been commonplace but become crucial when placed in the context of your life. Such an approach is especially expedient if the scholarship committee receives a list of your credentials anyway.

It is desirable to ponder over your personal qualities. Does any attribute, quality, or skill distinguish you from everyone else? How did you develop it? Recall your favourite books, movies, works of art, etc. Have they influenced your life in a meaningful way?
One of the efficient ways to expose your personal qualities and strong sides is to describe the most difficult time in your life. Mention how you managed to live it through and what changes it caused in your perspective on life. Personal experience of intense striving for something is always welcomed. It doesn’t matter whether you succeeded or failed.

Another good idea is to reflect on the things you are anxious to do in future, focus on your future profession, ambitions and the reasons why you chose it. How does this particular scholarship fit into your plans for the future? What have you done outside of the classroom that unveils qualities sought after by universities? Which of them is the most important?

A scholarship essay may deal with your past as well. Write about your important extracurricular or community activities. Explain what made you join these activities and whether you continue to contribute to them.

Of course the above mentioned variants of subjects for a scholarship essay are from being full. Writing any scholarship essay requires creative approaches, good writing skills and perfect grammar. Add to that all the psychological pressure which a person experience during this important time for one’s future. Therefore scholarship essays can be considered the most complicated and responsible piece of writing in one’s lifetime. ProfEssays realise all the responsibility of this assignment. It makes this custom essay writing service to draw its best writers and editors for this type of work. Professays has already helped hundreds of applicants to create an excellent custom essay and obtain scholarships. Thus, if you feel uncertain about writing scholarship essays it is possible to resort to custom essay writing service ProfEssays. The range of written assignments in which its experts are specialised include: custom essays, term papers, academic papers, research papers, admission essays, compositions, course-works, book reports, case studies, thesis, dissertations, editing, resume services, creation of sites content and others. Professays guarantees high quality and originality of all the ordered pieces of writing. One can order custom essays and papers at any time and day filling the appropriate form at Professays’ site or contact our team via e-mail:

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Waikoloa Beach Resort Vacation Rentals

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Jan 222024

Maybe your life needs a little more hula dancing, or perhaps you’ve always wanted to know what it’s like to swim with the dolphins. The sun seems to have been avoiding your general region lately, and ski jackets and gloves have started to lose their appeal. No matter which of these served as the tipping point, it’s clear that the time has come for a vacation to Waikoloa Beach Resort, the end-all be-all of Hawaiian destinations. This is the place to go if you want everything wonderful about the Aloha state to be at your fingertips.

It’s okay to admit that part of the reason you want to sneak away from work, school, commuting, etc…is just to get a good night’s sleep. Those worry lines have got to go, and that persistent tension between your shoulder blades has definitely overstayed its welcome. Thus, when making plans to come here it’s a good idea to secure lodgings that will accent the vacation, make it better even. Some people make the mistake of relegating such decisions to secondary status; here’s a tip: where you stay has everything to do with how much you end up enjoying your trip, so don’t take any shortcuts.

Not that it’s hard to find the perfect place to stay. Waikoloa Vacation Rentals are plentiful, and conveniently displayed online for your eager perusal. Check out pictures, maps, descriptions and even guest reviews to determine which property may be right for you. There are a lot of strong contenders, so rest assured you’ll find one available perfectly suited to the needs of you and your traveling companions.

For example, if you’re traveling with the kids and all they can talk about is building sandcastles on the beach and frolicking in the surf, then pick a place that requires but a five minute walk to the beach. Your landlocked little tots will be in heaven, and you’ll be pretty pleased yourself. Being able to return “home” for more sunscreen, a snack, or just a break from the sun will require a quick stroll instead of a long drive, and you could be back out there for more in no time.

Perhaps it’s a child-free trip and you and your companion want to enjoy a few high-adrenaline adventures. Volcano exploring, rainforest hiking, surfing, scuba diving and much more can be easily arranged from your home base, and at the end of your heart-pounding days feel free to enjoy cocktails on your private lanai. You’ll never find better sleeping conditions than here, where the breeze can waft through your windows along with the gentle sounds of the rolling surf. Take advantage of nearby activities but then tune it all out for some one on one time; what could make for a better combination?

Many Waikoloa Beach Resort Vacation Rentals contain garden tubs, grills, coffee grinders, and easy access to pools, tennis courts and golf courses. Stray from home base for Hawaiian sightseeing or stick close to your temporary abode; either way you’re bound to enjoy yourself and return home with a bounce in your step, color in your cheeks, and the newfound knowledge that vacation rentals are the way to go.

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Who Else Wants a Free NFL Jersey?

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Jan 212024

There’s no shortage of sites on the Internet offering free stuff – NFL jerseys, Apple iPods, etc. And all they ask for is your email address. Are these offers real or a sham? Can you really get a free NFL jersey in exchange for an email address? The short answer is yes, but the complete answer is a little more complex.

These are definitely legitimate offers. A free NFL jersey or Apple iPod could be just an email away. Keep in mind that these are products that can’t be delivered electronically. So after you provide an email address, you’re going to have to provide a physical shipping address. You’ll be asked to provide your home address. When a free NFL jersey is at stake, most football fans are happy to provide a home address.

As you might expect, each offer is slightly different. Generally, you’re going to be shown dozens of offers and asked if you have any interest in them. You’ll see all kinds of offers from magazines to insurance to colleges. You’ll start receiving emails as soon as you show interest in any product or service offered. Don’t forget your email address is already on file.

You may be wondering if you can get around this by providing a false email address. Don’t hold your breath for a free NFL jersey if you do this. You have to agree to a certain number of offers and complete certain requirements before you’ll receive your free NFL jersey. The requirements differ for each offer. But if you provide an email address and the messages sent to it come back undeliverable, it’s not difficult to figure out you’re being untruthful and you won’t get the free NFL jersey you wanted.

An alternative solutions is to use a “throw away” email address especially for free offers. This would be an email address other than your primary email address. Free email services are abundant. Yahoo and hotmail are just two places to set up “throwaway” email addresses. As soon as you give your email address, the offers will fill your inbox. Using a “throwaway” email address sends them to an entirely different inbox so you don’t even have to read them.

In the final analysis, these “free” offers are legitimate. The avalanche of offers you’ll receive is the price you pay for a free NFL jersey. The offeror is counting on making money when you spend money on the other offers.

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Search Engine Submission Services

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Jan 202024

After getting a website ready according to SEO, Search Engine Submission is the next crucial step. Submitting your website means that the search engine knows your pages exist. It is better to rely on professional companies who provide search engine services.

There are three ways of search engine submission to get your website listed in the search engines. Firstly, you can submit your site directly to the search engine using a free submit form. Secondly, you can let the search engine find your site through the links to your site from other sites such as directories or thirdly, pay the search engine to index your site.
Most of the search engines have a free submission form that needs to be filled. You will have to submit the URL of your homepage. Once the search engine submission is done, you just need to wait. It will be pointless to waste time in re-submitting your website as it will not help to improve your ranking in any way. You may find that all search engines do not provide a form. There is no need to worry as your links will be found on other sites thus making your website easy to locate. It is therefore important to get your site listed in the major directories.

Search engine submission should not be done blindly. It is important to take out time to find the best category that suits your site. Each directory provides submission guidelines which should be read properly. If you follow the guidelines, the chances of being listed will increase and the amount of time it takes to get listed will be decrease.

After you’ve submitted to major directories, you can begin submitting to other directories as well. It is also very important to submit to local or thematic directories that are relevant to the content of your site. It will take time for the search engines to index your site after it has been listed in the major directories. So patience is the keyword. It may take a couple of weeks before your site may start appearing in the index of the major search engines.

After the search engine submission service providers have submitted your URL to a search engine, it will be placed for their search engine robots to review. It will review the contents thoroughly judging if the links are properly used. Once you submit your homepage, all the other pages of your website will be automatically reviewed. The review process can take anything from a few days to a few weeks.

If you decide to go for the pay for search engine submission, you will save a lot of time. You will not have the need to wait for the search engine to find and index the pages of your site on its own.

Once the process of search engine submission is complete and accepted, it is time for results for all the labor that has been put in. The traffic and the clicks on your web site will increase. Be sure to watch your search engine referrals over a period of time to make sure that all search engines that you have submitted to are still sending traffic back to you.

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What is 12 Months Free Line Rental Contract Deals ?

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Jan 192024

Mobile phones are an absolute necessity for all of us with their smart and useful features of cameras, video recorders, GPRS, WAP, MP3 players. They have digitalized and revolutionized our earlier snail-paced lives .In fact life is unimaginable drudgery without them. Mobile phone deals have made it a lot easier for us to buy them. You can easily get your desired handset through any of these deals.

Whether it is the reputed Nokia N-series or the thin stylish Samsung thin slider phones a mobile phone deal is a sure shot way for their cheap availability. You can easily get a mobile for a year with the 12 month free line rental with all the other lucrative benefits like free talk time, free text messages and free photo bundles and free accessories. All this is inclusive. Competition is increasing among the service providers and attractive schemes are prepared to allure the customers.

All that is needed is a good credit and you can actually shop around for the heftiest deals. For the future monthly requirements you can purchase a monthly tariff plan of your own choice depending on the requirements. You will have to pay a monthly bill for the minutes purchased. The bill will be redeemed that is you can get cash back if you deposit the bill within a few days period after receipt which in the mobile jargon is termed as cash back. So the mobile phones on 12 month free line rental are kind of free.

Confused by the variety of mobile phone plans, offers and deals around? Buying mobile phones have become easier now through contract mobile phones that have given you a number of choices including 12 months free line rentals, free handsets, cash back offers, etc. Find wide range of choices and multitude of cheap mobile deals offered by different networks. We increase your choice simply by stocking offers from diverse networks to allow you to compare the best mobile phone deals. Just compare these deals and make the best choice for yourself.

You may find it hard to believe but 12 months free line rental contract deals are turning out to be the best ways of going mobile. So avail these options and reduce your phone bills. Don’t waste your time; just take advantage of the great mobile phone deals offered by us by selecting the one that suits your lifestyle and budget.

12 month free line rental treat you like a king with the benefits that they offer .But the only hitch is the fixed contract period which cannot be broken. You cannot breach the contract period and change to any other service provider before the end of the 12 months. Moreover once you have availed the contract whether or not you are using the phone rental charges have to be paid for.12 month free rental deals score over the pay-as-you-go deals in the sense that frequent top-ups are not required and at the end of the day you can even upgrade to a higher level plan .In fact in the 12 month free line rental charges for the peak and off-peak minutes are far more reasonable than the pay-as-you-go deals.

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Choosing a Credit Card

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Jan 182024

Credit Cards are becoming an increasingly popular method of financing purchases. However, this has brought much negative press to accompany the inherent advantages. Why is this? First and foremost many are failing to comprehend the best-practice use of a credit card. This means only using it to finance purchases that you can afford to pay off in the short term. For those that follow this rule, credit cards work great. If you wish to complete a purchase that you cannot afford in the short to medium term then consider financing in the way of a bank loan which may offer a fairer rate, yet provide less flexibility in terms of repayment compared to a credit card provider.

Think Big

With a credit card provider bigger is almost always better. Why? Should you go with a bigger brand then they will be accepted in more countries, more shops and have a reputation to protect.


Terms and conditions provide a framework to your future relationship with your credit card provider. Through reading these carefully you can be sure that you do not breach these terms, you have a fair understanding of what to expect from your relationship, and you also know when your credit card provider is failing to follow the rules that they set.


Something that is free for six months and then costs twice as much for the duration of the contract may not be a great option. That is why you have to sit down and think things through in real terms. In Real terms simply means thinking things through by comparison and calculation. Sit down, and consider how you intend to use your credit card, and calculate the charges you will incur with at least 3 options. You may be surprised by the results!

What does it all come down to?

When choosing a credit card it all boils down to, how much you are going to have to pay in the long-term for your level of spend and projected repayment periods. Why is the cheapest credit card different for different people? This is because when choosing a credit card there are different factors that have different weights depending on your usage habits.

As with all forms of financing credit cards can cause real worry and stress through those who fail to plan and consider how they are going to finance the money that they borrowed. That is why, before you complete a credit card purchase, always consider where the money is going to come from to pay it back.

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Credit Cards: Playing it Safe

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Jan 172024

When it comes to credit cards, far more risk can be out there other than debt you are not able to afford or an accumulation of expenses that you were not fully aware of prior to entering into the contract. With credit cards, risks exist that are entirely out of the hands of consumers, and these risks can be reduced by prudent and careful actions. But, what can you do with your credit card to ensure that you are far less likely to be a statistic, and far more likely to be a happy credit card user, with no problems, and less concerns.

Take Care of your credit card to ensure that you know where it is at all time, whilst making sure that you don’t leave it unattended.

Have multiple cards? If you have multiple cards then issuers will sometimes allow you to register all these together, meaning that you can cancel your cards with only one telephone call. This will mean less chance of fraud, through giving a thief less time.

Lost your purse or wallet? If you have lost your purse or wallet you literally have no time to spare. Get on the phone to your credit card company immediately even if you are unsure if your card has been lost through theft or you merely misplacing it.

Keep Notes of all your credit card transactions, and then you can be sure that you have been, or have not been, a victim of credit card theft. Be sure to report any unusual transactions, and remember that, unless you give permission, no company can withdraw money from your credit card even if payment is late.

Keep your PIN number private by trying to remember it. Clever ways of noting this secretly include listing it amongst other telephone numbers and perhaps placing it at the end of standard digits. For example: Mr. Example +56 786 78656556.

What do credit card Issuers do to protect you?
1. They will insure you against misuse, loss and theft.
2. They insure your purchase for as much as 100 days.
3. They will provide a refund in the case that you are unhappy with what you buy.

Credit card fraud, thefts and mishaps are something that nobody wants to experience, however through careful planning and consideration these risks can be reduced dramatically, ensuring that you are less likely to get into trouble, than those who are less prudent and more care free. To date, the credit card industry has been sensible enough to incur expenses association with credit card theft and fraud on behalf of their customers, whilst this continues customers can be safer, knowing they are less likely to suffer as a result.

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