
The Easiest Way to Relax

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Jan 082024

No, I am not going to speak about medicines. Probably, they promise the easy way to relax (swallow a pill and relax) but we all know how harmful they can be to our health. The time people spend on relaxing activities has been lessening more and more today. The main reasons are increasingly demanding jobs and the pressures of modern society. And for these exactly reasons, the need for relaxation has become higher. There are, of course, many relaxation methods that one can use. Psychologists offer a wide range of them:
Going in for sports (at least twice a week)
Walking in the forest (15 minutes can be enough)
Sleeping in (not less than 10 hours)
Traveling (it takes time!)
Knitting (you may get a new sweater for yourself)
Meditation (requires at least half an hour)
Eat sweets, mostly chocolate (could be harmful to your body).
Talk to a friend (15 minutes chat)
Lots of puzzles: Word Search Puzzles, Jigsaw Puzzles, Crossword Puzzles (will take 15-50 minutes)
Watching your favorite movie (do you have 2 spare hours?)
All these relaxation techniques can help but they all require some free time. That is probably the biggest problem: above mentioned relaxation activities require you to dedicate time to them, and re-juggling your schedule just so you can relax can itself be stressful.
Is there a solution? Can a busy person relax not wasting time on relaxation? Sure, the answer is music.

Just think! Music is always accessible. Music has always been a regular part of human society, from prehistory and especially today. Humans, even with the simplest tools, naturally gravitate towards music and the creation of music—this says a lot about the nature of music and how it affects humans.

The mind and body responds and relaxes to music even in the midst of physically or mentally demanding activities. There is a lot of evidence that points to the beneficial effects of music on the mind and body (hence the existence of music therapy). The many effects of music on the mind and body has even warranted the existence of music psychology, a branch of psychology.

Music is the only tool for relaxation (and a very effective one) that you can take anywhere and use anywhere. With today’s modern technology, relaxing need not be something done to the exclusion of anything else. If you have a portable audio player, no matter where you are, you can listen to music and immediately start to relax. Even in the midst of work or some recreational activity (such as jogging or walking your dog) you can benefit from the relaxing effects of music. Note that the scientists proved that listening to background music even if you do not pay any attention to it can still be extremely powerful.

All you have to do is to buy an iPod or any mp3 player. Why those? Because they are far more convenient to use (small size and light weight) and you can fit more music on them (up to hundreds of albums of the music that you find relaxing). Now you can get your music everywhere with you and use its relaxation power whenever you like. Just rip your old CD’s and convert to mp3 format with Total Audio Converter. Now you can listen to your favorite music on your mp3 player.

By the way, the relaxation music is not necessarily slow tunes. You’d better listen to the music you like even if it is rock’n’roll than force yourself to relax listening to the music you hate. Everybody has his own relaxation music. Many people find the sounds of ocean waves or spring forest very suitable for a relaxation. You may download such tracks from the web, convert to the format your gadget supports with Total Audio Converter and enjoy it.

Listening to music can do wonders for a stressful life. Music gives wings to the mind and flight to the imagination. Take the advantage of modern technologies and enjoy music in your busiest life!

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A Quick Guide to Unlocking Mobile Phones

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Jan 072024

How many cell phones do you have in the nightstand drawer next to your bed? Do you not want to toss them out because there’s nothing wrong with them? Have you ever wondered why you can’t use one of your phones with a different service than the one you originally signed up with? I mean really, they all sell pretty much the same phones, right? That’s why you need to seriously consider unlocking your mobile phone.

I remember back before I knew any better, the battery in my cell phone wasn’t holding a charge, so I took it back to the store where I bought it. They informed me that it would be cheaper to buy another phone and sign a new contract than to buy a fully charging battery. I didn’t want another phone, as I had four already, but I also didn’t want to spend more that I had to. So I got yet another brand new phone and signed a new agreement for two more years. If I had known then what I know now, I would have simply unlocked my phone. Here’s how it works:

Every cell phone has an International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI), a serial number that connects a phone to its service. An IMEI also connects the phone’s owner to the phone. The IMEI is the “tape” that connects the phone subscriber to the service.

Now, inside most cell phones is a removable Subscriber Information Module, or SIM for short. A SIM is a card that also connects the phone to the owner (subscriber) and simultaneously the phone to the service. Many cell service companies will lock the SIM so the phone will only work with their service. This is why you need to buy a new phone when you switch wireless phone companies. This is true no matter how much you paid for the phone- and you may never be able to use it with a different service provider, no matter how many calls they drop.

When you unlock your phone, you can use any cell phone service you choose, plus you’ll get rid of the roaming charges threat and be able to get more cash if you’d like to sell your phone. Your new, unlocked phone will be legal attachment-free. Of course, if you have a contract with a provider, legally you are fully responsible to fulfill all obligations with said company, including payment and length of contract.

If you wanted to unlock your cell phone in the not so distant past, you had to send your phone out to a company and have them perform the service. But recent technological advances and e-mail have brought this service directly into your home. Many companies who provide such a mobile phone unlocking service can get you the “secret code” to unlock your phone based on your IMEI and send it to you via email. You don’t even have to wait for the postal carrier to show up- just for your computer to boot up.

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The First Step Of A Thousand To Freedom

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Jan 062024

For so long we have been taught that the best road to success is
to go to college, get a degree and hopefully secure a lucrative
career. But hold up! Why is it that so many degree holders are
unemployed or in low paying jobs?

As I observe these things, I also notice the freedom some of my
self-employed friends have. Freedom to work when and where they
want, make as much money as they desire and have as much fun as
they see fit. Have you ever needed some time off to attend to
some necessary business only to hear from your boss that you
can’t get it? You clearly have little control over your time.

For many years persons will devote the most productive time of
their lives to others at a cost to themselves and their
families. And your boss will not tell you that of the secrets to
his success is being the employer rather than the employee.

In today’s age, it is even easier for one to become their own
boss. The internet can make owning your own business a reality
rather than a far flung dream. Anyone with an internet
connection and a reliable computer can start up an ebusiness
that is based on their interests.

Setting up your online business is easier than many people think
and it is possible to have it up and running in less than a day.
There are hundreds of ways to make money online and you can take
advantage of the fact that most are free to use. Others will
require a minimal investment that can be easily recouped.

Places like, and all offer
the opportunity to set up an online business for free. If you
like writing, you can create a blog over at Blogger around a
high demand topic and possibly generate income from contextual
ads or affiliate products. If you possess a flair for the arts,
then Cafeshops and Lulu can provide you with the facilities to
display and promote your work.

Building a successful online business can provide you with
several benefits. Imagine the freedom to work with whom you
want, where you want, and how you want. Not to mention that
there is no longer a limit on how much you earn, you can make as
much money as you desire.

And depending on where you live, there are incentives and tax
write-offs for operating your online home business.

There are many ways in which you can use technology to take your
freedom out of the hands of others. You can work from the
comfort of your home and create multiple sources of income that
can dramatically improve your lifestyle. Start your online
business part-time if you have to and allow it to grow. That my
friend is the first step of a thousand to freedom.

© Oceanroc Web Publishing

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Bagan Hotels – A Secret Revealed

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Jan 052024

Spending a holiday in the mysterious and mystique surroundings of the Asian continent is a true blessing. Besides being able to sightseeing ancient ruins, belonging to old civilizations, castles and temples, as a tourist you can also admire beautiful sunrises and unique local landscapes, images that cannot be viewed anywhere else.

But as a tourist, you also need a place to stay, to relax and to enjoy the quality time you spend in Bagan. Because of this, hotel chains have appeared; ready to offer the best comfort for every need and taste. Although it may seem weird to use a phone, knowing that you’re surrounded by history and nothing but land covered with trees and plants, Bagan hotels offer, besides telephones lines, the possibility to watch TV through satellite. In addition, even though for many this may sound odd, these hotels provide you with 24/7 electricity, which in the given circumstances is a luxury thing.

Let us continue with the tour among the hotels that can be found in Bagan. We must mention that the common tourist is able to pick from many resort hotels, depending on the amount of money one can spend. Consequentially, the decision must be taken regarding the prices of the rooms, and regarding the number of the stars that the hotel has. Obviously, the greater the prices are, the more comfort you get. However we should not expect to find the same quality services and conditions we find in the luxurious hotels in Europe or America, because the area practically does not allow more. Still, these hotels offer their very best to make your holiday more beautiful.

With a simple click on the Internet you can discover that for less than 50$ per night you can choose from actually five 3 star hotels in Bagan. And the conditions are not bad at all: TV through satellite, telephone, mini-bar, hot and cold shower, 24/7 electricity and individual air-conditioning systems. Let’s consider that these are the main equipment. The more you pay the more you shall receive. If money is not a problem for you, 5 star hotels provide even with baby-sitter services and, for the suites, a personal butler, and ready to serve you.

It is true, perhaps the conditions of these hotels are not very luxurious, but the design of the rooms and the design of the actual hotel buildings are unique. Being in the center of so many mystery and natural beauty, Bagan hotels are embraced by a certain aura of light which may make you forget that you do not have and Internet connection or any other modern technology. Once you open the window or you step outside the building, you step into another world, where nature and history merge, where mystery and secrets are all around you.

In the end, the only thing left to say is that, either you decide to go to Bagan or to any other Asian region, do not forget to free your mind and leave the problems at home. There are plenty of hotels to offer the best services for you to fell comfortable and to spend a unique Asian experience.

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Enjoy Annual Trips With Annual Family Travel Insurance

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Jan 042024

The term ‘annual’ implies that this insurance is meant to cover your annual travels around the world. And when you say annual family travel insurance it means that this insurance is meant to cover the annual or multi-trip travels of a family all round the year.

Traveling to different parts of the world has become one of the most desired activities of almost all the people of the world. Earlier people undertook only a single trip to any place in the entire year. But due to the growth of speedy transportation system, the intensity of people traveling abroad has increased to a very large extent. But along with fun and enjoyment, travels also come attached with mishaps and accidents. Though many people avoid mentioning these references, but reality cannot be shrugged off. With an annual family travel insurance policy you can easily cope up with all these problems and enjoy your holidays to their full.

Just imagine: you are getting ready for your trip and your 4 years old kid falls ill and you might cancel the trip. With an annual family travel insurance policy, you can easily get your money back on canceling the flights. Again, you or any member of your family might fall ill or get injured during the travel. All these might need treatments but treatments do not come free of cost and especially in foreign countries, the cost of treatments can be even more. You might end up spending almost all your money in the treatment. With annual family travel insurance, you can easily handle these bills and avoid spending your money on the treatment.

Annual family travel insurance policy covers:

•Flight delays

•Trip interruption

•Damage and loss of personal property, baggage

•Emergency evacuations,

•Emergency medical expenses

But to search for a perfect annual family travel insurance policy, you might need to undertake an extensive study of the insurance market and later on purchase the policy that will fit into your budget properly. Through internet you can easily perform this task of yours. By sitting at your home, you can easily procure an annual family travel insurance policy for your annual travels. So get annual family travel insurance for your annual travel plans.

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Aquaexercise for All

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Jan 032024

Experts in fitness aren’t surprised about the health benefits of water exercise and many individuals have found it just the ticket to get in shape. Classes offered vary from traditional water aerobics to bench stepping, yoga, tai chi, deep water running and kickboxing. Your body is buoyant in water, so you don’t hit the bottom of the pool as hard as you do with land exercises. Therefore, impact on joints and muscles is reduced. If you have injuries, keep your joints slightly bent instead of straight. This helps to distribute the water pressure throughout the limb, rather than directly on the joint.

Just being in the water causes you to exercise. The continual water pressure that pushes against you while you move makes you push out harder to continue movement. Water exercise is natural resistance training as there is continual resistance to each move you make, creating stronger muscles. Water activities like aqua aerobics, bench stepping, deep water running and kick boxing all are great cardiovascular conditioning workouts. They also naturally increase muscular strength, endurance and flexibility. Finally, they are good calorie burners if done at a high enough intensity.

Yoga, Pilate’s and Tai Chi have hit the water too. Aqua Yoga is a harmonious workout, combining the gentle qualities of yoga poses with the relaxing ebb and flow of the water. The water actually can help support the body, easing wear and tear on the joints and increasing balance so performing the poses is a bit easier than on land. Aqua Pilates othen combines the use of tubes to stengthen the core muscles with some cardio so you get the best of both worlds. Finally, Aqua Tai Chi can be described as a meditation of movement involving gentle and fluid exercises that use the water to overcome some of the clumsiness, stiffness and heaviness experienced on land. The fluidic environment helps to free the mind and emotions so the individual is more in tune with the inherent fluidity inside their bodies.

As you can see, water exercise is a booming workout form with new ideas coming out all the time. There are also many products you can buy such as buoyancy and back support belts, shoes to give you better traction on the pool bottom, hand paddles for upper body resistance exercise and weighted belts to increase your workload. So take the plunge and try poolside instead of the gym for your next workout.

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Save Yourselves From Harmful Effect Of Obesity With Hoodia

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Jan 022024

‘Health is wealth’. The phrase is in the usage since time unknown. The first person who said this phrase first time was well aware about the significance of good health. Health is something you cannot purchase with wealth, but if you are completely fit you can earn wealth. Good health means a body free of any disease. Most of the diseases affect the body for a short duration and can be cured with in few days, weeks or months. But obesity stays in the body for life time. If you don’t take appropriate steps for its removal, it gradually grows.

Obesity is an invitation to other diseases too. Obesity generated complications have physical as well as psychological aspects. It weakens the reflexes and makes it difficult to do day to day works. The delicate internal organs like liver, heart and kidney are at a high risk because of obesity. If your body mass index is already 30 then it is essential for you to manage obesity with Hoodia.

Hoodia is a natural appetite suppressant which is extracted from Hoodia Gordonii plant. This plant is found in the Kalahari Desert and is in use as an appetite suppressant since time unknown. Phytopharm, a pharmaceutical company is presently growing Hoodia Gordonii plant at mass scale for industrial production of Hoodia diet pill, Hoodia capsules and Hoodia health drinks. From Hoodia Gordonii, Phytopharm isolates appetite suppressing component P-57. Only this company is licensed for the production and marketing of Hoodia anti obesity medication. Phytopharm, after a joint agreement is sharing this license with Unilever.

Every Hoodia medication contains 1200mg Hoodia extract. This is exactly the same volume which is found effective in control of appetite for 24 hours. Hoodia medication stimulates hypothalamus and brings an increment in the level of blood sugar. Increased level of blood sugar is taken as fullness of stomach by the brain. Until the brain is aware about hunger status of the body, you will not feel hungry. Hoodia gives one more facility that is you can take Hoodia without any prescription. But prior consultation with a doctor is advisable.

Hoodia should be taken only by those who come under the category of obese. Pregnancy is a condition when a woman requires more calories than the usual requirement. Therefore, pregnant ladies should not take this medication. Hoodia is not meant for children. Presence of constituent of Hoodia in the milk of lactating mother can be harmful for infants. The presence of Hoodia in the milk is not confirmed till yet but as a precautionary step, breast feeding mothers should abstain themselves from Hoodia.

This all-herbal medication, Hoodia gives no side effects. Buy Hoodia through an online order and save yourselves from harmful effects of obesity. An online order makes purchase of Hoodia affordable for you.

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7 Ways to Use Coconut Oil to Stay Healthy and Look Attractive

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Jan 012024

Coconut oil has been labeled as the healthiest oil in the world. It has provided many health benefits to the tropical people for generations who are known for their physical beauty. Here’s a summary of the 7 ways to use coconut oil to become healthier and look better.

1. Take It as a Health Supplement

Take two or three tablespoons of coconut oil a day to strengthen your immune system. The medium chain fatty acids in coconut oil provide an effective defense against virus, parasites, bacteria and fungus.

Coconut oil stimulates digestion and helps nutrient absorption. Some people take coconut oil by the spoonful. Others take the coconut oil by mixing it in a smoothie or by adding the oil to their tea or coffee beverage.

2. Use as a Cooking Oil

The double bonds in polyunsaturated oils like vegetable oils make them vulnerable to oxidation and free radical attack. Many vegetable oils turn rancid due to oxidation and the free radicals cause degenerative diseases and quicken the aging process.

Coconut oil is very stable chemically as it is saturated and has no double bonds. Thus coconut oil is not oxidized easily. It is so resistant to free radical attack that is acts as an anti-oxidant.

Foods fried in coconut oil absorb less fats than foods fried in hydrogenated vegetable oils. Foods cooked in coconut oil stay fresh longer and promote nutrient absorption. Thus, it is advisable to change your cooking oil to coconut oil instead of vegetable oil.

3. Apply on Hair as Hair Moisturiser

Coconut oil does a lot for hair. It makes hair soft and silky, easy to brush through and brings its condition back to touchable. The small molecular structure of coconut oil allows for easy absorption, giving hair a smooth and soft texture.

Coconut oil is easy to use on hair. Put it on the hair, rub it in, relax for a minute or two, and wash out. Using coconut oil as a pre-wash conditioner can rid a person of dandruff better than a medicated shampoo and it is effective in conditioning the scalp.

4. Apply on Skin as Skin Lotion

Coconut oil is ideal for skin care. It prevents the formation of destructive free radicals, and can prevent your skin from developing skin blemishes caused by aging and overexposure to sunlight.

Apply a teaspoon of coconut oil on your face to remove your make-up after a long day. After that, wash your face with soap made from coconut oil. Finally apply coconut oil to moisturise your skin.

The thin layer of coconut oil is quickly absorbed and forms a protective coating for your skin which guards against bacteria. Coconut oil strengthens the underlying skin tissues, bringing lasting improvement for the skin.

5. Take It as a Natural Medicine

One must be warned that coconut oil is not a substitute for the medicines you normally take. Instead, coconut oil strengthens your immune system to fight the disease while the medicine prescribed by your doctor reduces the severity of your symptoms.

The people in Panama increase their dosage of coconut oil and coconut milk whenever they feel that an illness is coming up. Coconut oil speeds their recovery from illness, and has protected the people in the tropics from infectious diseases like malaria and yellow fever for generations.

6. Use It in a Diet to Manage Your Weight

Actually, the word “diet” is not appropriate here. Using coconut oil, you lose weight by making wise food choices without feeling hungry, miserable and deprived. Continue to take foods cooked in fat and desserts containing fats and have fun losing weight. This is possible if the fat taken is mostly coconut oil.

Coconut oil increases your metabolic rate which makes the body burn more calories. This increased metabolism stays for 24 hours. Taking coconut oil increases your energy level and burn off calories at an accelerated rate.

7. Go on a Detoxification Program with It

Coconut oil can be used to clear out the toxins that have been accumulated in your body after many years. A detoxification program using coconut oil can cleanse your body system and let you feel good and look good.

Before going on the program, one should have been taking coconut oil as a health supplement for at least 2 weeks. It is advisable to stay at home as you may need to go to the toilet often. Take no food and a tablespoon of coconut oil every two hours. The whole program lasts 14 hours with 7 tablespoons of coconut oil.

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