
Realistic Weight Loss Tips

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Nov 032023

There are a many positive changes that occur as a person works on healthy weight loss. Other than physical appearance weight loss affects a person in many ways. Health and depression risks are greatly reduced. Quality of life, longevity, self-esteem and physical ability are all improved.
Diets alone do not work. Like a lot of things in life if the claims are “it is so easy and takes very little time and effort” you can expect a poor quality results. Sensible healthy eating and raising fitness levels must work together to produce long term weight loss; both take dedication and effort over a long time.
To lose weight effectively and permanently 3 aspects of life should be changed: what to eat and drink, attitude and activity level.

Consult your doctor
The first thing that an over-weight person must do is seek advice from a doctor or other health care specialist. They can recommend the best weight loss regime and ensure that your health is not going to be put at risk. This should be done after a physical examination that leads to the determination of proper weight loss technique and assessment of existing fitness levels.

Realistic Weight Loss Tips:

First: Realistic weight loss is a combination of mindset, exercise and in some cases, diet supplements. Begin by taking part in a food reduction and exercise plan that is practical. The exercise plan should be at least fifteen minutes a day to start with. Depending on your existing fitness level you should be doing exercises like brisk walking, running, swimming, and dancing to begin with and builds to at a least 30 minute a day.

Second: You must set realistic goals that reduce your weight and increase your fitness. The weight reduction must be healthy and sustainable. The ability to focus and have positive mindset enables someone on a diet and fitness regime to lose those extra pounds. Joining a group or a class can help as reporting progress to a peer group encourages you to stick with it. You must learn to become tenacious and patient to allow your hard work time to pay off.

Third: Everyone’s body reacts differently to different weight loss programs and plans. A realistic weight loss and exercise program must be suitable to your body type and existing level of fitness. Not being able to exercise or loose weight as rigorously as some others can be discouraging or encouraging depending on your attitude. Just be careful not to over do it.
If walking is all that you can manage, then walk, however you are in luck because walking is proven to be a great fat burning exercise. The ideal speed is walk as fast as you can but still be able to talk freely without gasping. This burns up the calories but builds muscle and cardio endurance.

Fourth: Eat more quality foods that contain fibre and vegetables as it helps to make you feel full sooner and in stays in the tummy longer moving the harmful waste in the digestive system more efficiently.

Fifth: Keep away from fried foods especially deep-fried as this contains a large amount of fat. Although fish and chicken appear leaner than beef when it is fried can contain more fat than beef. Grilled food is far better for you as it greatly reduces the amount of fat that is consumed.

Sixth:Take lots of fluid. Drinking at least six to eight glasses of water a day keeps the body refreshed. Water helps body eliminate body waste and keep stay hydrated which is very important when you are exercising. It also acts like an appetite suppressant helping you feel full.

A little bit of time and effort applied consistency equals Realistic Weight loss success. Light dieting, quality workouts, and right amount of food and supplements applied in a regular way everyday will result in permanent weight loss and improvement in general health. Taking massive inconsistent action only to be followed a return to old habits will show little improvement and loss of motivation.
It is impossible for diets to work on their own. The key is Keep It Simple, Drink plenty water, Walk when you can and eat a good balanced diet consistently.

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Stop Medicare Fraud Before You Become A Victim

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Nov 022023

Every year, millions of dollars are taken from the Medicare program through deceptive practices. Medicare fraud hurts not only the program as a whole, but everyone who receives Medicare benefits. The quick guide below reveals how Medicare fraud takes place, why it affects you as an end beneficiary, and what you can do to help prevent it.

What is Medicare Fraud?

Medicare fraud occurs when false claims are made on behalf of a real beneficiary. For example, you visit a particular physician or medical clinic. They ask for your Medicare card and give you a certain amount that is due, but then bill Medicare for more than that amount. They pocket the difference. Another type of Medicare fraud is when someone bills Medicare for services or equipment that you never received or for items different from what you received. A dishonest individual might also use the Medicare card of another to receive medical services or to buy equipment. Or, someone may return home medical equipment, but continue to bill Medicare for the equipment. There are other variations of Medicare fraud, but these are the most common.

Why Should You Care?

You may ask, “Why should I care if someone else commits Medicare fraud?” There are two main reasons you should join the battle against Medicare fraud. One, your Medicare co-pay costs will increase little by little because of money lost through fraud. Just as a retail store might increase prices to cover the losses of theft, Medicare costs will increase for everyone when fraud occurs. Two, you or your loved one could be the next victim. If you frequent the emergency room, pharmacy, or doctor’s office, then you are susceptible to becoming a victim of Medicare fraud. Someone may steal your Medicare card, or you might encounter a dishonest person working at a doctor’s office or pharmacy. Either way, the burden of proof will fall upon you because the Medicare card and billing information will be in your name.

Detecting Medicare Fraud

Detecting Medicare fraud is easy if you keep an eye out for suspicious activities. Beware of providers that offer services for “free” when you have already given them your Medicare card. Also, if a provider offers to waive your co-payments on services routinely without checking to see if your financial situation has improved, you should be leery of this practice. Other “red flags” to watch for include pressure selling for higher-priced services, receiving Medicare bills for services you have not received, so-called “free” consultations for Medicare patients, marketing tactics being used by a provider such as telemarketing, and charges for co-payments on services that are supposed to be covered 100 percent by Medicare.

Do Not Falsely Accuse

If you suspect that a provider has committed Medicare fraud, double check with the provider to be sure it is not a simple mistake first. Sometimes human and computer errors do occur, so give your provider the benefit of the doubt from the start. If so-called “errors” seem to be happening often, then it’s time to investigate! The last thing you want is to wrongly accuse your health provider, so be sure to approach suspected Medicare fraud with caution.

Before Reporting a Provider

Before you report a provider for Medicare fraud, be sure you have all the facts. You’ll need all vital information about the provider including name, phone number, address, type of practice, etc. Also, you’ll need to gather all the facts about the incident so you can clearly present your case. Write or type a detailed timeline of events, the item(s) or service(s) that were billed incorrectly, the date when this occurred, and any other pertinent information.

Take Preventative Measures

If you encounter a situation where you believe you or a loved one have fallen victim to Medicare fraud, report it to your local and state Medicare representatives. Also, take the following steps to help prevent this from happening to you:

1. Never give anyone your Medicare card or claim number who is not your caregiver or physician.

2. Beware of those who wish to review your medical records when they are not providing medical services to you.

3. Beware of “free” consultations and Medicare services being offered by a clinic or physician.

4. Never request medical services that you do not actually need.

5. Beware of providers that offer to get Medicare to pay for services or items that are usually not covered by Medicare.

Most of all follow your instincts. If a situation doesn’t seem right, investigate to find the answers. You or your loved one can be safe from Medicare fraud if you use precaution during every medical situation. Keep in mind that criminals do not always come in dark clothing with masks on their faces. Those who commit Medicare fraud can appear to be normal caregivers or physicians, so keep your guard up any time you give out personal information such as your Medicare card.

Use this knowledge to join the fight against Medicare fraud, and help America to stay healthy!

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Life Long Learning Goals

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Nov 012023

Having a competitive edge in business, your career, and in your life can allow you to have a goal to change the world by making the small things matter. This might sound as if you can single-handedly, relying on your own wits and where-with-all, transform and impact the world by yourself. For some of us, this is our destiny, our big hairy audacious goal in life. For others, the competitive edge is an on-going passionate pursuit, not so much a destination, but a driving force of our future, our career, and our lives!

To develop the competitive edge, many will need help in certain areas of their lives to reach their full potential. It will not happen overnight. You need to set a goal, plan, take action, and have personal growth a priority to have success. This is where goal-setting and prioritizing comes in, both in your professional and personal lives.

Two ways to empower and create the competitive edge in business, career, and life, both personally and professionally, is by setting a goal for personal development. Decide how to make the most of every opportunity. Even the things we take for granted, like time, talent, and money will have significant and meaningful impact.

The competitive edge will help you to leave a legacy, make a difference in the world, reach your full potential, and go above and beyond. Effective goal-setting tools will help you develop your competitive edge.

For those of us who share this passion of on-going pursuit and purpose, you can use specific goal setting technique to effectively, successfully, and progressively plan your life. This includes a passion to continue to grow and excel, setting goals, furthering your education, taking time for planning, committed decision making, discipline, and persistent determination.

Sure-fire ways of getting ahead with goal-setting and planning your future includes discovering, developing, and optimizing your skills through paying close attention to three aspects specifically …

• Reading and listening to stimulate learning
• Actively participating in personal development by becoming a life long learner
• Getting out of your comfort zone

A few practical ways you can put these key skills and goal-setting fundamentals to work for you, include:

– Making time to study personal development
– Learning more effectively by repetition
– Becoming an attentive listener and observer
– Retaining and practicing what you learn

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How to Get Started in Earning Money through Affiliate Marketing

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Oct 312023

Affiliate marketing offers earning opportunities, making it as one of the fastest growing industry in the World Wide Web today. It produces billions of dollars worth of income yearly. That is why many people are getting involved in it.

However, most of them are just getting into the jive of earning money without a concrete plan. You will have no strategies to be implemented, no guidelines to be followed.

In case that you are planning to get yourself involved in affiliate marketing, bear in your mind that it is a serious work. Though it is one of the easier ways of earning additional income, it still requires effort, perseverance, and a clear plan of action from your starting point up to the finish line.

To start things with, here are some of the elements that you need to consider in engaging yourself in affiliate marketing:

• Having your little home office is the initial element that you need to consider in starting your affiliate career.
Have your office workspace comfortable to work with. Make sure that it has enough illumination and your personal computer has enough ventilation as well.
• You must have some basic knowledge of trading online. It is necessary to be well trained in order to achieve success in this career. In case you are still unfamiliar of the system, you can get the necessary training by taking a look at
You can start by looking for some affiliate-marketing professionals who already earned substantial extra income and let them guide you on the system. The Internet also offers different resources and conference timetables, which you can attend to learn.
You will find great learning opportunities on and
• Set a realistic target so that you can put the necessary plans to reach it. For instance, $1,000 is attainable if you are a first time affiliate marketer.

Since the popularity of affiliate marketing is increasing, it leads to an increase of earning opportunities. Now, you will ask yourself, “How will I choose the right affiliate marketing program?” and “Which of it will give me that good chance of earning a substantial income?”
Sign up for a Free Clickbank account at, and get started right away.

The preceding sections can help you decide on those matters pertaining to affiliate marketing. These will help you evaluate different opportunities and saving your personal resources as well.
Visit to help you get started.

To your Affiliate Success

Jeanette Kersbergen

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Change in Lifestyle and Environment- The Secret to a Happy Retired Life.

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Oct 302023

Change is inevitable. That is the law of nature. The natural process of aging is gradual and those who are near and dear to you seldom notice the changes.
The fact remains that you are growing old. With advancing years your lifestyle too should be re-oriented in such a manner that you do not put unnecessary strain on the diminishing reserves of your body.

Moderation in everything that you do is the key-word. You may continue with your activities but do it in moderation. Health plays a major part in the lives of the elderly but unfortunately another aspect that is often overlooked is the “Environment”. If due importance is given to this aspect then, many other problems such as Accidents, Loneliness, Health etc. could be easily managed.

Some major environmental problems that should be high priority when you retire are:

1. Finding a suitable place to live after retirement should be priority No.1 Larger cities are good for the younger people but the Retirees should consider moving out to a pollution free town or village in the outskirts of the city.
2. Choose a place not too far from your friends and relatives so that they could be of assistance whenever needed.
3. Ground floor is the best for the elderly. Split level houses should be avoided. If there are steps, good hand rails should be provided.
4. The house should be well ventilated and provide plenty of sunlight.
5. The floors should be well carpeted. Worn out carpets are dangerous since you could trip and fall.
6. Electric wiring should be permanent and all electrical gadgets should be in good working order.
7. Avoid loose and long clothing. Many accidents are caused by tripping and falling. Fractures and injuries during old age could take a longer time to heal and be a source of worry and agony.
8. Clothing should always be appropriate to the season. Inappropriate clothing can lead to health conditions such as, body pain,arthritis, chest cold etc.
9. Entertaining of guests and socializing should also be done in moderation. The consequences of exertion and heavy drinking can be detrimental to your health.
10. Keep your mental faculties active.

One of the best ways to keep yourself well informed, mentally active and to have fun is to spend time on the Internet. The whole wide world is at your finger tips if you can operate the computer. If you are unable to use a computer, it is advisable to take a few lessons that will make you quite proficient in using the computer and the Internet. Sending e-mails to friends, reading the latest international news and visiting interesting websites can be fun. In fact you can even earn an Additional Income. Full details are given in the article, Practical Internet Home Based Business Ideas, for the Young and 50 Plus Entrepreneurs :

Old age should not in any way mean that you must give up participating in community activities. It has to be in moderation, that is all. Your lifestyle might have changed but your experience, knowledge and expertise will be needed and much appreciated by your community. Share it with them, enjoy yourself and make life happy and pleasant for the others too.

Change in lifestyle and environment during retirement does have certain emotional under currents such as missing your long time neighbors, some of your old friends and of course some of your favorite haunts. Unfortunately certain changes have to be made in a changing world and changing circumstances.
Make these changes in the right spirit and enjoy your retired life.

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Billing Software, Free and Open this Time

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Oct 292023

Billing is one important area of all small and big businesses. Billing software market is crowded that choice of one becomes so difficult for a start up business owner. The question is will billing software survives the flood of software suits or packages offered by small and big software developing companies.

It should. The problem open software community today faces is the lack of skills or interest to learn the basics of programming and working of programs.

People also seek comfort zones all the time. We all live in an age of instant gratification and we are hardly programmed to wait or try hard to get something. This is the general trend and they will go for easily available packaged solutions, instead of trying to learn what it is about the working behind the things they see.

Needless to say a billing cum accounting system will, to a great extent take the load of learning accounting from your shoulders. With Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) the modern mantra, it is quite understandable if a few companies have taken the initiative to make major inroads into the field of free open source billing software.

It is necessary for the user to have a basic coding and programming knowledge to tweak the pieces of software to a workable suite. Then again the attempts in that direction should be recognized.

When introducing an open-source billing software, it is sure to be met with much skepticism and prejudices. No open source software is an exception. The whole hearted attempts from skilful people keep the trend alive. This project has been the hot favorite at for a few months now.

A recent addition to free software, specifically billing software is JBilling, located at The open source software works with all major operating systems and supports My SQL, Postgre SQL and Hypersonic. It runs on JBOSS. It is thus a 100% free open source billing system that supports recurring billing, automatic payment processing using credit cards etc. It also handles web-based interface directly with end customers.

There are also different advantages of this specific billing software. Most of the processes are automated. Though it is not a new thing in open source world, business persons appreciate automatic invoicing, billing, payment processing, etc. What more? JBilling v 1.0.4 also accepts online payment via credit card.

The software thus easily becomes an alternative to proprietary billing systems.

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Real Ownership of Software

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Oct 282023

Do you think you “own” copyrighted software you “purchase”? Think beneath the skin. Do you really own the software for which you shelled out a significant sum? The answer is a solid NO. No, you are not the owner of the proprietary software that you think you purchase. Instead, you purchase only license to use the program for your purposes. When you pay for a piece of software, what you actually do is paying a license fee plus support costs.

Most times we don’t think we need to read the license agreement that comes with proprietary software. As you read, you will understand that you are only allowed to use the software as it is. Sure you are promised some support, but how many of end users actually use such an option?

If you owned the piece of software that you purchased, you would be free to make any modifications to the software. You will be able to add new features or remove unwanted features. Think if it is possible with proprietary software solutions.

With open source software, a developer is free to modify any software he purchased under open source agree and resell it for a profit. It is however imperative for the developer to release the software under open source license. He or she may make any number of modifications and keep the source code of the developed version to themselves, provided they use it for their own purposes and not distribute to others.

Thus you will find open source software is not just about reduced costs. It also gives you better control over your business activities. The most shining example of enterprise open source software is Google™. The company that presently diversified into many different business areas from its original search engine use open source software in their servers located throughout the world.

According to Google™ it is taking your destiny to your own hands. There is no need to wait for the software developer company come up with changes or modifications. In house developers make the necessary modification in a matter of days or even hours. It would take many weeks for the developer company to come up with a solution for immediate problems.

Are you ready to use open source software for your enterprise? Are you willing to take advantage of lower costs, true rights of ownership and upgrading a solution according to your specific requirements? It is time to think deeply about the subject.

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Create a Traffic Empire with MySpace – Part I

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Oct 272023

MySpace: The new internet traffic giant

MySpace is no longer just for kids. The insanely popular social networking website is now the third most viewed website according to comScore’s Media Metrix. Combine that with the latest statistics showing that half of all internet surfers are over the age of 35 and it’s no wonder that big business is looking towards MySpace as an untapped marketing resource.

The growing site was recently acquired by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, a conglomerate that owns 20th Century Fox, The New York Post, TV Guide, Direct TV. MySpace could very well be one of their most lucrative assets if it’s growth rate continues.

The original concept for MySpace was to connect with people of similar interests and lifestyles with each other. Its social organization allows for fast and easy access to targeted groups and individuals which makes it the perfect vehicle for networking and marketing.

Creating your MySpace page

To begin networking or marketing with MySpace you must first setup your own MySpace Profile. Setup is easy and relatively pain free and can be done in 3 easy steps:

1. Visit and click the setup orange setup button. Spend two minutes filling out a form and you are done.

2. For those of you with web programming skills, you can modify your page look and feel by putting HTML code into the “About Me” box. I would avoid using a busy background graphic since it will slow your page down and make it extremely hard to read text in the foreground.

3. Change your URL. You will start with a lame URL like which will be hard for most people to remember. Go to your setup page by clicking the “Home” link in the upper left hand corner of the page. Right below your picture is a little let red box that says “Pick your MySpace Name/URL!”. Click on it and you can select a new URL assuming it’s not already taken. Your new URL will look something like

What are “Friends” and who is Tom

MySpace allows other members to be your “friends”. A friend is someone, many times a stranger, that sends you a request to become a friend. If you approve the request then his profile picture is added your friend’s list. You can move your favorite friends to the top of your friend’s list so they are shown on your homepage. The rest of the list is sorted by their profile number which is in the order in which the member signed up for service with MySpace. So the oldest members will be first and the newest members will be last.

When you first open a MySpace profile, you will get an automatic friend. His name is Tom. You will see him a lot on other people’s profile pages.

Many people have marketed and built their pages into enormous revenue generators. Playboy model Christine Dolce has acquired over 1 million friends on her page and shows no signs of slowing up.

Many people erroneously believe that profiles with high friend counts are more actively viewed than other pages. This is not always the case. Many pages with high friend counts achieve their numbers by sending out a large volume of friend’s requests. Many people getting these request approve them without even visiting the MySpace page of the sender. Some pages actually have more friends than page views.

PART II – Building MySpace Traffic (coming soon)

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