
Bollard Ash Columns

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Oct 262023

A Bollard ash column is a very different form of ashtray for the outdoors. This is a standalone ashtray. The Bollard ash column has a removable inner cylinder that can be removed and emptied. It has also another unique feature. It is padlocked at the very bottom therefore giving it its distinct name. This is also another type of outdoor ash tray. This model is vandal proof, like most all the others. There is no chance of vandalism with these types of outside ashtrays. Litter and butts are kept out of sight leaving clean premises with which to greet your customers. So you are in compliance no matter what the law about outside smoking. This keeps the smoking area clean and the area around it neat and tidy.

With a Bollard ash column, these also come is various colors and at various costs, depending on what material you order and where you got your Bollard ash column. This is just the way of business. You keep both smoking and non smoking patrons happy with this beauty. Litter compliance? This won’t be hard to do with the possession of the Bollard ash column on your premises or at your place of business.

This Bollard ash column will definitely be an asset in keeping your premises clean and free from trash. This adds an extra bonus as this enhances the image of your business as a clean, well kept business. This will also bring more business, as people judge a business by how clean it is as to whether or not they will bring their business to your business. So having this Bollard ash column is definitely an asset that you will see pay for itself again and again.

Think of the money that you will save on cleaning and maintenance, by having this jewel around. No fines for being out of law compliance either as the site will be as clean as a spring rain. This as has been said before is what your business will ultimately be judged by, its cleanliness. This is just the way that consumers are.

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Buying smoking shelter online

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Oct 252023

Smoking shelters enable the companies to comply with the no smoking ban imposed by most of the governments at workplace and public buildings. The smoking shelters have to be weather resistant area for the staff, customers and the visitors who want to smoke cigarettes. The smoking shelters also need to be safe and clean at the same time.

The range of smoking shelters offered by the online businesses is always lucrative. Buying smoking shelters online comes with installation service on a pre-pared sited.
Smoking shelters are always a good way to ward off the dangers of pollution and unwanted cigarette smoke. A huge array of smoking shelters is now available in the market. These are constructed with high quality materials and are maintenance free too.

Buying smoking shelters is always a plus while with an online transaction. Though most of the businesses feel buying smoking shelters with a good dealer is economical. The smoking shelters come in standard modular sizes, they can be always custom configured to suit individual needs of a business.

There are lots of websites who are pioneer in supplying with shelters, buildings, interior offices, press boxes and canopies. Smoking shelters are a specialty of theirs, which are available in full glass, half glass and full panel models. The standard shelters they offer are with three or four sides with a roof. The roof could be hip roof, gable roof, dome roof, decorative fascia, window mullions etc. With the smoking shelters they offer optional fittings for the shelter, which may include, swing doors, benches, lighting, air condition, tinted glass, ashtrays, exhaust fans etc.

Online companies offer a wide range of smoking shelters. Exclusive in designing and presenting the smoking shelters, they have a wider range of styles for the smoking shelters. Not only their smoking shelters provide covered facility for smokers but allows effective pass of the no smoking policy in the work places. The all steel fabrication is a plus point; while they can customize the colors for the color powder coated finish for the shelters. They boast of only using the high quality polycarbonate for sides and windows. Smoking shelters offered by them are of low maintenance with ashtrays that are easily accessible for the collector.

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Café Seating Columns

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Oct 242023

Café Seating Columns are basically ashtrays that stand up and stand-alone. Mostly they are made of metal and allow outdoor smoking without leaving cigarette butts on the ground. This keeps the cigarette trash out and keeps the area clean and free of debris. There are many different types of Café Seating Columns, and it depends on what color, size and costs that you want in a Café Seating Column. Most outdoor venues have some type of outdoor ashtray for smokers. The one that is most popular is the Café Seating Column. This is a type that fits on a table and it requires little maintenance.

You can’t even tell that the Café Seating Column is an active ashtray. It looks like part of a tabletop. This is also vandal proof, which saves on repair bills and replacing the column. There are different costs depending on who you get your café seating column from and where. You can order this from anywhere and have it installed or install it yourself. This keeps a clean place for people to smoke and it gives them a place to dispose their used cigarettes. This really is an innovation for a smoker.

The café seating column is very popular with restaurants and other outside businesses who have smoking patrons. This is a way of keeping both smokers and non smokers both happy. This is also in accordance with laws and regulations regarding smoking areas. This has to be taken into consideration as well as comfort of your patrons. Most cities have quite a lot of regulations regarding outdoor smoking and smoking areas in general, and the rules are getting stricter.

To keep in accordance with local laws, let me suggest that a café seating column will be your best bet if you have any type of outdoor café or outdoor business that have smokers as patrons. This will help you keep in line with the laws of your particular city, state, or county. The beauty of this column is the fact that it basically looks like an umbrella so that it does not look like an ashtray.

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Free standing smoking shelters

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Oct 232023

Smoking is an addiction that is hard to die amongst the population of this world. No amount of laws can prevent the smokers to quit. Government in certain countries like Scotland bans the smoking in public places. Though these laws that govern smoking habit is in the process to be changed.

Ban on smoking in public places hit hard on the smokers and they need a place to safely carry out their luxurious habit. Smoking rooms replaced by the smoking shelters in various countries where there is a ban. A refuge for the smokers from the external environment is the smoking shelter. With the external structure away from the official buildings, these free standing smoking shelters like bus stops can be build anywhere.

When smokers smoke the cigarette there is the production of the cigarette butt dust as well as the cigarette smoke. The cigarette butt dust is usually combated with the various designs of ashtrays that are placed in the smoking shelters. While cigarette smoke is dealt with the vents. Vents in the roofs help in the easy exhaust of the cigarette smoke to the environment. The benches with backrest offer the best seating arrangement while relaxing with a puff of cigarette.

Advantage of having a free standing smoking shelter apart from providing room for the smokers to smoke is that the employer can have a check on the smoking that is happening outside the office building premises. These shelters withstand any kind of weather, come rain or shine. Free standing smoking shelters are known to be the traditional type with a room for five to seven people however nine to twelve people can be easily accommodated with the custom made smoking shelters. The side panels of the free standing smoking shelters are usually translucent. Polycarbonate or UV resistant Perspex is used for the construction of side and roof panels. Trends change as the day progresses; hence one can customize their free standing smoking shelters with the cost and requirements.

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Standard Ash Columns

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Oct 222023

A standard ash column is another form of ashtray for the outdoors. This is a standalone ashtray, which is not noticeable. The standard ash column has a removable inner cylinder that can be removed and emptied. This is also another popular type of outdoor ash tray. This standalone model is vandal proof, so there is no worry about stolen ashtrays. This keeps litter and mess at a complete minimum. This is keeping in accordance with local laws relating to litter and to smoking areas in general. So you are in compliance no matter what the law about outside smoking. This keeps the smoking area clean and the area around it neat and tidy.

With a standard ash column, these also come is various colors and at various costs, depending on material and where you got your standard ash column. This is just the way of business. This is a very good way to keep your smoking customers happy and comply with the law at the same time. This is very important if you want to keep everyone happy. Which won’t be hard to do with the possession of the standard ash column on your premises or at your place of business.

This is another ideal ashtray for business because it is practically unnoticeable. This standard ash column will definitely be an asset in keeping your premises clean and free from cigarette butts. This enhances the image of your business as a clean, well kept business. This will also bring more business, as people judge a business by how clean it is as to whether or not they will bring their business to your business. This is how they will regard your business, right or wrong. Having a standard ash column will help develop the business image in the positive.

This will mean the world to your business as you will have more customers the more that your business remains clean. This also will help you stay within the laws that govern your local community. So you are doing two good things instead of one and you keep both of your smoking and non smoking patrons happy as well.

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Types of smoking shelters

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Oct 212023

Smoking involves the addiction of nicotine. Those who are less dependent on cigarettes may be successful by using only a few sources of help. However, the more help you have, the better your chances of quitting and staying smoke-free. Government laws have been passed in various countries for the ban of smoking in public areas. Going with these laws, some of the offices also prohibit smoking inside their premises.

To help the smokers who still wish to smoke, the birth of the smoking shelters took place. As the name suggests, it is the shelter for the people who smoke. Preventing the problems of the cigarette butts disposal and the fire risk attached with it.

All the smoking shelters designed and built should be in a way easy to access and easy dispersal of the cigarette butts waste as well the cigarette smoke. The smoking shelters allow the smokers to have a relaxed state of mind while smoking at these shelters. Some of the companies that design and build the smoking shelters offer to make seating arrangements as well inside the smoking shelters.

Amongst the smoking shelters, there are the two types:
• Free standing units
• Wall mounted shelters

Free standing smoking shelters are the traditional kind of shelters offering a space for five to seven people at the most. The roofs of the free standing smoking shelters are often in sync with the industrial buildings for the flat roof. However, with the advancement of the technology and architecture, there have been various kinds of roofs and various materials in use for the construction of the free standing smoking shelters.

Wall mounted shelters are ideal for small business. Two to three people are usually covered under these kinds of shelters. It is quite economical as there are only three sides to be covered under construction for the smoking shelter as opposed to four sides in a free standing smoking shelter.

No matter whether the smoking shelter is free standing or wall mounted, it is a boon for the smokers who are banned to smoke at public. These shelters might disappear in the years to come being replaced by all of the smokers adapting to being non-smokers. Or the advancement in the technology might replace these smoking shelters to something new and innovative.

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Use of Smoking shelter

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Oct 202023

“Smoking is injurious to health” – All the cigarette packets have this printed in bold on their covers. But the fact is how many of us have noticed and thought about it.

Cigarette smoking has been attributed as one of the most important source of mortality around the world. As this fact has come into limelight, most of the countries are coming up with the smoking ban in pubs, bars and restaurants. If this is not enough, smoking in workplace has been banned by most of the companies. Such strict rules may be difficult to be followed by the employees who are smokers. With this regulation over the smoking, an allocated area sheltered for smokers to smoke outdoors but still undercover came into the offering.

Outdoor ban over smoking in certain areas also is due to the litter problem of the cigarette butts and the smoke, which can be passively inhaled by the non-smokers. A convenient disposal of the cigarette butts and a safe place to smoke was necessary and thus, came the birth of smoking shelters.

Smoking shelter offer a safe area with the protection from the weather. It is a designated covered place for smokers of a company with no smoking policy. Discarded cigarette butts are an added fire risk in most of the places. This can be prevented with the shelters exclusively for smoking. It not only helps a company to keep in control of where people smoke but also keeps the office premises smoke free and free of cigarette butt mess.

Most of the smoking shelters are weatherproof, indicative of keeping the shelter conditioned for the external weather. It keeps the people who smoke in these shelters, warm, and dry. The cleanliness of the company complying with the government smoking laws can be easily followed with the help of these smoking shelters.

The smoking shelters offer fire resistance as well is designed to be waterproof. Seating arrangements are also been made as a provision in most of the shelters to keep the smokers at their pleasure. Feeling at ease and comfort ability while the staff or customers smoke is an instant solution with the smoking shelters. Air inside the shelter can be kept clean and recycled with the external environment with the help of vents present on the roof of the smoking shelters.

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Wall supported smoking shelters

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Oct 192023

Habits are like cobwebs, too hard to die. Smoking too is a habit that is too difficult to kill for most of the population today. Many die due to this habit but still most of the youth are attracted by the nicotine. Government in certain countries have come up with an idea to curb the activity of smoking and banned smoking in private places.

Scotland and Eire are the two countries that have laws governing smoking in the workplace. In 2007, England and Wales too will have the laws passed for the same prohibition.

To curb the anxiety of the smokers to smoke came up the idea of setting smoking shelters. Smoking shelters are an area with a shelter for the people who smoke. It gives a sense of relaxation and easy smoking fun for the smokers. Each smoking shelter is unique with the design and the construction. They are to have an easy access and easy smoke dispersal with convenient disposal of the cigarette butt waste.

Dimensions in the wall supported smoking shelters and the free standing smoking shelters don’t have much of a difference. Two or three people at the most can be covered under the wall mounted smoking shelters. This kind of smoking shelter is ideal for small business and is more economical in comparison with the free standing shelters. No polycarbonate panels and horizontal mid height bars on the wall side make the wall supported smoking shelters economical and easy to install. Otherwise they are identical to the free standing smoking shelters.

Mark Twain said, “Quitting smoking is easy. I’ve done it a thousand times.” Why is quitting and staying quit hard for so many people? Quitting smoking can not be an easy task. It not only involves the person who wishes to quit smoking but also the society to help overcome the urge to smoke.

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