
Paid Surveys – Why Taking Surveys is a Chance to Win Money and Prizes with No Effort

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Oct 182023

Why taking <a href=">Online Surveys</a> is such a great option to win money and prizes with less time and work than you've ever imagined? The answer is simple and easy – because you get paid to complete surveys from home, without staying away from your routine, family or friends. Taking Free Paid Surveys pays well, while you need not give up your mainstream career, or spend more than half an hour per day to earn some additional cash with online surveys. <br /> <br /> Paid Surveys Take as Little Time as You Want <br /> <br /> You may choose how much time you will spend completing paid surveys per day, week, or month. If you're in a mood, you may take several surveys each day; you may rest while on vacation; you may accept or decline survey invitations on your whim. What other job can give you such huge time flexibility? In the meantime, you have enough time to spend with your kids, spouse or pets. Paid surveys can be your hobby, a part-time occupation, or even a full-time career – it's up to you! <br /> <br /> Be Your Own Boss with Paid Surveys <br /> <br /> Paid surveys have one solid advantage that hardly any other job can beat – you can be your own boss. Taking paid surveys allows you to set your own schedule, take vacations when you want, and work any time of the day – or night. Many people have resorted to completing online surveys for cash and rewards, because they cannot adjust to a strict and stifling work routine that leaves little time for their families and hobbies. The global forces that also affect the mobility of the workforce have created many job types that match the ambitious and flexible people who'd like to combine family and career successfully. Online surveys provide one such alternative to everyone, who wishes to have a rewarding and controllable career, and to choose one's own pace of career advancement. <br /> <br /> Paid Surveys Require No Previous Experience and Everyone Qualifies <br /> <br /> We are all consumers, and that's what paid surveys are all about – testing consumer opinions. Everyone makes purchases – from sanitary materials to electrical appliances, insurances, and mortgage plans. Therefore, we all qualify for taking paid surveys, because we all have experiences with various products and services – successful bargains versus crappy shops. Surveys poll consumer opinions of just about everything – lipstick, hair dye, epilators, DVDs, TV sets and many more. Or surveys may ask you about general views and ideas about product developments. Some broad surveys ask consumers about their hobbies and interests, so they are really easy and fun completing! Survey takers are janitors, doctors, unemployed and retired people, stay-at-home moms, college students, and people from all walks of life. Taking paid surveys gives everyone an equal chance to earn great cash and prizes, while providing the ultimate job flexibility that everyone dreams of!<br /> <br /> <br /><b>

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PS3 for $1.68? Lowest Bids Snag Big-Ticket Items at SilverTag Online Auctions

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Oct 172023

Where can you buy a PlayStation 3 for $1.68? Or a 42″ LG Plasma TV for $5.57? At SilverTag (, a new online auction site where winners are determined not by the highest bid, but by the lowest unique bid placed on a given item.

“I can’t believe it!” exclaimed Rosanne Bryant of Oklahoma City, Okla., upon hearing the news that her low bid of just $1.68 was good enough to win the PlayStation 3 auctioned on in mid-December.

Bryant is just one of many who are bidding on and winning big-ticket merchandise at SilverTag Auctions. Other winners include Guy F., who paid just 40 Cents for an iPod Nano Red, Keturah H., who paid just 15 cents for a $100 Sephora Gift Card, and Jim R, who paid just $5.57 for a 42″ LG Plasma TV. At SilverTag, winners are determined not by the highest bid, but by the lowest unique bid placed on a given item.

Members of SilverTag, which launched on December 1, 2006, are calling it “the most addictive auction site in the world.” Upon winning the $100 Target Gift Card for 15 cents, Brian L., a SilverTag member from Castle Rock, Colo., exclaimed, “SilverTag is for real and it is totally amazing and fun! It’s a whole new way to enjoy auctions. I’ll be buying some new CDs and gifts for friends!”

The overwhelmingly positive reception to the Texas-based SilverTag thrills President and CEO Robert Jones. “I always envied the radio deejay who was able to tell caller number 14 that she had just won a car or $500. Now I get to do it everyday! I love calling the winners and hearing the excitement in their voices.”

SilverTag members aren’t the only ones who reap rewards from the site’s online auctions. “Each month, members nominate and we select two charities, which receive 100 percent of the auction proceeds,” notes Jones. “During the first month, the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation and LiveStrong, the Lance Armstrong Foundation, will receive a minimum of $1,000 each.”

What makes SilverTag unique is that, instead of the highest bidder winning the item, as is the case with eBay, a SilverTag winner is the one with the lowest unique bid. Simply put, when the auction ends, the bidder that places the lowest bid that no one else has placed wins the auction and can purchase the item for the price of their low bid.

SilverTag is a membership site where users have the opportunity to bid 20 times each day on any listed item. “It’s free for the first three days, and then is only $9.95 per month for 20 bids a day,” says Jones. “That’s 600 bids and a lot of fun for less than ten bucks.”

Placing bids is easy and fun. It takes two seconds, and the automated SilverTag Auction Manager lets the bidder know immediately whether or not her bid is unique. “Members are having a blast with bidding frenzies,” says Jones. “As the value of the items up for auction increases, they’re going to have even more fun.”

Jones promises that, as the site gains momentum, the retail price of the auction items will also increase. “We plan to auction a car in January and give away a house next summer,” he says. And, as is always the case with SilverTag online auctions, the lowest unique bid will take the prize.

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Non Resident Indian

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Oct 162023


NRI or a non resident Indian is an Indian citizen who stays abroad for employment or business for an uncertain duration. NRI also includes those who are temporarily posted abroad in central/state government /public sector undertakings or U.N. organizations.

Provisions of NRI under Acts –

The residential status of a person is decided under two different acts. Under Income Tax Act, 1961, the residential status of a person is decided on the number of days he stays in India. Under foreign exchange regulation act or FERA it is the intention of a person to be in India or outside India would be the determining factor of his residential status.

Indians overseas –

Overseas citizenship for Indians living abroad was first declared by prime minister in January 2005. The formal launching of the scheme was done on 4th pravasi Bharatya Divas, 2006 held in Hyderabad. Persons of Indian origin who migrated from India and acquired citizenship of a foreign country other than Pakistan and Bangladesh are eligible for grant of OCI as long as their home countries allow dual citizenship in some form or other under their local laws.

Persons registered under OCI do not have any voting rights, nor they can contest in any general elections and they cannot hold any constitutional posts. Registered OCIs are entitled to following benefits:

    Multiple entry, multi – purpose lifelong visa to India
    Exemption from reporting to the police for any length of stay in India
    Parity with NRIs in financial, economic, and educational fields except in the acquisition of agricultural and plantation properties

A person registered as OCI is eligible to apply for grant of Indian citizen ship under section 5 ( 1 ) ( g ) of the Citizenship Act, 1955, if he or she is registered as OCI for five years and has been residing in India for one year out of the five years before making the application.

Persons of Indian origin –

Persons of Indian Origin” means a foreign ( not being a citizen of Pakistan, Bangladesh and any other country as being specified by the Central Government from time to time if ;

(a) He/she at any time held Indian passport, or
(b) He/she or either of his /her parents or grandparents or great grand parents was born in and permanently resident in India as defined in the Government of India act, 1935 and other territories that became part of India, thereafter provided neither was at any time a citizen of paklstan or Bangladesh or
(c) He/she is a spouse of a citizen of India or a person of Indian origin.


PIO stands for persons of Indian origin. The Government of India is issuing a PIO card . It will allow visa free entry to Indian origin people living abroad and give them all the rights enjoyed by the NRIs including purchase of non – agricultural land. 15 million people of Indian origin living abroad will benefit from this card. Fee for PIO card is $ 310.00 for adult and for children below the age of 18 years is $ 155.00 (effective from September 15, 2002). Validity of new PIO card will be 15 years from the date of issue.


All over the world Indians have made their marks in the field of academia, information technology and medical professions. Even in the field of business they have outshone their counter parts. Indian scientists and technologists are famous for their knowledge and they have made invaluable contributions in their respective fields. Every year on an average four and half lakhs of Indians leave India for better job opportunity and better earning. This is resulting stricter immigration rules, India is also eager to stop the brain drain and day by day better opportunities are being created to hold the talents.

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Avail Timely Bad Credit Unsecured Business Loans without Hurdle

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Oct 152023

If you are an aspiring business person, who happened to fall in some debt trap and got a tag of bad credit, then a long delay in loan approval pinches the most. But you can take resort in bad credit unsecured business loans as these loans are approved easily for different reasons. All you have to do is search for a suitable bad credit unsecured business loan provider.

There is no dearth of bad credit unsecured business loans lenders which has only made the loan availing easier. Business persons can utilize bad credit unsecured loans for variety of purposes like buying raw material, office furniture or paying for salaries. Smaller debts also can be cleared through the loan.

Bad credit unsecured business loans are given without collateral which implies that it is a risk free loan for business people. The loan amount is approved on the basis of the business person’s annual income and the prospects of business. If the business is generating sufficient income or has the potential to do so then lenders can approve the loan smoothly. So take the details of your business project to the lender for better result. But only a smaller amount is approved for shorter repayment duration of few years. For lack of security, the lenders tend to charge higher interest rate on bad credit unsecured business loans. Because of bad credit the interest rate may be even higher depending on the level of bad credit score.

Some business people take bad credit unsecured business loans for repairing credit score so that they are in a better position of availing a lower interest rate loan in future for greater business usages. Pay off the loan installments regularly if credit improvement is the aim. Ensure an extensive comparison of different bad credit unsecured business loans providers so that a comparatively lower interest rate can be achieved.

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Plan Your Furniture Moving Carefully

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Oct 142023

Your work obligations can sometimes weigh quite heavily on your everyday routine. A smooth work schedule is a desire and not always the choice. Often, the work requirements demand short-term assignments in different parts of the country. And you are left to pack and unpack your stuff quite frequently. The heavy Amish furniture items can look heavier when frequently moved from one destination to another. Though the task might seem onerous, but if you are well planned and well prepared for the task at hand, things can smoothen out quite quickly.

First things first! Where your job entails frequent moving, the contact details of all the agencies associated with your moving plans are a must. The transport company, cabling agency, Internet and telecom firms, packing and unpacking aides etc. make the job of moving a lot easier. Another must is to have the moving supplies like tapes, cartons and ropes. The small items do not pose as much of a challenge to pack and unpack but it’s the big furniture articles, like Amish oak furniture, that need careful handling to avoid any kind of damage to your valuable possessions.

If you can anticipate the approximate time of your moving, that’s half the job done. Because you need time to plan out the entire relocation of your belongings, a sudden moving out at a short notice can spell disaster. For instance, you can easily make an advance booking for the transportation company and other cabling and Internet firms for disconnections, as they might be heavily booked during that period. You may get good discounts if the movers and packers are made some advance payments. Good furniture moving companies should be hired after making adequate online and offline enquiries. Moreover, it will also save you from the last minute hassles on the airlines.

Carefully dismantle all the heavy furniture items. Almost with every furniture item these days, you’ll find that they can be easily attached and detached any time. Most furniture articles are fastened with screws or otherwise so that they are easy for transportation purposes. Special packaging may be required for the larger Amish made furniture articles.

The delicate furniture articles are meant to be handled that way. For instance, the center table might have rich glass content. All the glass material should be carefully dismantled and wrapped either with thick waste newspaper covering or some other packing so that it remains scratch and stain free throughout its journey.

It is always better to personally pack your furniture items. Even if you have hired a moving firm, always try to take some time off and pack the furniture. This is important because only you know your furniture best. Moreover, the danger of damage to the furniture while packing is always minimum if the owner is directly involved in the process.

Make sure that the cartons are adequately sealed by the ropes and packing bands. And don’t forget to mark each carton either with your initials or surname or any other unique identification mark. Lastly, do not forget to inform your future address to important agencies like your bank, post office, Telecom Company, Internet provider etc.

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Poor Credit Tenant Loans – Easier Offer without Credit Worries

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Oct 132023

Lenders usually look down on tenants as high risk potentials and if tenants have bad credit then lenders place even harder conditions. There are however many lenders who are dedicated to bad credit people. These lenders are idle if tenants want to take poor credit tenant loans. With the growing competition in the loan market, poor credit tenant loans are now available in an hassle free manner.

For tenants, poor credit tenant loans are risk free affair as the loan approval comes without collateral. Tenants however get a smaller amount ranging from £5000 to £25000 for shorter repayment duration of 5 to 15 years. A slight disadvantage is that poor credit tenant loans are offered at higher interest rate. For countering higher rate, compare different lenders so that comparatively lower interest rate is possible. The loan amount can be put to variety of usages like clearing medical or educational bills, enjoying holiday tour and paying off smaller debts.

As far as poor credit tenant loans approval is concerned, it comes in a smoother way if tenants are able to convince the lender that they are in a position of paying the loan installments regularly. To convince, tenants should take a repayment plan that says a lot about actual repayment capacity, which is regular expenses subtracted from income, to the lender. Employment and past bank statements are also needed for convincing on the repaying capability. Tenant’s level of poor credit also is a factor in approving the loan. If credit score has not slumped much then lenders may approve poor credit tenant loans smoothly. A credit score of 580 is considered as poor credit. Take a copy of your credit report and make sure there are no errors in it. Also pay off easy debts so that the lender has faith in you.

Make sure that you have compared various poor credit tenant loans providers for individual interest rates and terms-conditions. Apply to online lender preferable for the loan approval within days.

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GATEWAY TO FINANCIAL FREEDOM-through fixed-return invest plan.

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Oct 122023

If you are looking for a gateway to financial freedom then

consider SWISSCASH a fixed-return investment plan because

you know the rates of return and the period of payment.

You would be having some doubts because the investment is

done online. It is natural because the organization is

operated through the internet and the money earned by you

involved sweating and hard work.

This particular plan is reliable and trustworthy with

attractive monthly returns. On top of that you will also

receives referral fees for introducing friends to invest

in the plan. Another side of this investment plan is that

you can be an investor and run it as a business at the same

time, if you can invest with a min. of USD 1K. Swiss Mutual

Fund has always been supporting and helping corporations

achieve their unique financial destinations for several years.

Time has come to help individual investors achieve the same

goal in the financial fields.

Swiss Cash offer: Average Investment Return – 20% per calendar

month, 300% Returns in 450days, more Income for Financial

Consultants,Built USD78 million fund within 6 months of global

launching,Expected to hit USD1 Billion by 2007, Principal

guaranteed by Swiss Mutual Fund(1948).

Global Investors need not worry about their huge Investment

Returns because SwissCash gives its investors a Handsome and

Guaranteed Fixed Return. This is how SWISSCASH takes care of

his financial investors thus enabling them to achieve strong

foothold in the financial field leading a secure life.

Particularly this kind of Financial Facility is different

from the conventional Mutual Trust Fund or bank’s Fixed Deposit

that offers an average of 3-6% Interest per annum or Unit Trust

whereby your fund grows and also has chances to shrinks in

tandem with market force and fluctuation. Financial Facility

offered by SWISSCASH is definitely the Best in the current

investment market allowing a High Return on Investment and

Reduce Financial Risk.Not only this Swiss cash,has also made

arrangements providing advice based on variegation principles

designed with an intention to help improve performance and

minimize financial risk, available free of charge. Swiss

services are always ready to offer broad range of services

with different options along with experienced professionals

who specialize in many financial areas to Whatever your

investment needs. Apart from this it also maximizes the

application of Modern Technologies and Financial Knowledge

to open the windows of opportunity to gain more and be

financially safe.


SwissCash is one of the dominating sector of Swiss Mutual

Fund helping the investors to realize that sufficient financial

background gives liberty to our thoughts and expressions.

Article written by soma.

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Residual Income the Wise Choice for a Work at Home Business

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Oct 112023

Whether you have a full-time job and want to earn some extra bucks online or
you are a stay-at-home parent who is looking for a way to make ends meet, the
internet is your best bet for a work at home solution.

Often the first choice people make when looking to build a work from home
business is the affiliate program.

There are two types of affiliate programs online: the ones that pay a
one-time commission, and the ones that pay residual income. For many new online
entrepreneurs who desire to make money through the work at home business sector,
it is in your best interest to look for the residual income program. The reason
for choosing such a program is that you receive recurring payments when others
sign up under you for that program, product, or service.

Choosing continuous income over a one-shot payment is often the most
attractive choice for long-term business success.

However, choose carefully. Many of the residual-income programs require heavy
amounts of marketing and advertising. Too often the come-on to enroll is offered
for free. This is an attractive incentive, but only for a limited few. The
ultimate goal, of course, is your ability to get your “signups” to upgrade to
the paying level. For many in your downline, this will never happen. You can end
up with hundreds or thousands who have joined under you, but if no one upgrades
your income is not going to change.

So choosing the best kind of residual income program is to your advantage.
The benefit to a residual income program is that once your signup also commits
to the program, and for as long as they remain in the program, you earn money
from their placement and their actions. Your “job,” therefore, is to actively
seek additional people to join with you. They join because they also see the
benefits of and appreciate the merits to the service. And, since you are paid
over and over from your downline, you are in essence earning residual

Now think about that… Imagine your earning potential! Your income can
skyrocket once you have discovered how to make hundreds (or thousands) a month
in long term residual income. Once you successfully master that skill, and with
good training and leadership from the program is it possible, you just repeat
the process.

The downside to doing nothing but pursuing the downline-building portion of
any chosen program is that as you manically recruit, you can actually earn less
money. The surefire, solid way to build a business online and work from home is
to build a solid customer base and teach others to do it, too. Never drop the
ball! Less successful work at home affiliates are less successful because they
do nothing but pursue the next lead or signup. Ignoring those that have chosen
to work with you is tantamount to failure! You must schedule the time and
attention your signups will need to ensure their success and your continuous
flow of residual income. The affiliate program, when done correctly, can be a
huge money maker for all.

Nothing beats having a work from home business that you can take anywhere in
the world and run! Make money while you sleep, vacation, or even – heaven forbid
– if you are hospitalized. The benefits to joining the correct work at home
business are the residual income (of course) and the need to no longer develop
your own new products and backend services. You find the service or products you
yourself believe in and promote that service. You put 100% of yourself into your
decision, stop flitting here and there on the net in search of the unattainable
“overnight success” and hunker down to earn a living online.

Do set yourself goals. Apply yourself totally to achieving your goals. Choose
a program whose longevity adds weight to that program, and one that offers real
one-on-one training and support. Taking advantage of a great program with good
mentoring increases your chances for earning that true work from home income.
Take your dream out of “dreamland,” and make it happen!


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