
Confident Weight Loss – How to Improve your Success at Losing Weight

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Oct 022023

Did you know that lack of confidence and low self-esteem are two of the biggest threats to success when it comes to making positive changes to your health and looks?

The thing is if you don’t value yourself enough you will never make the effort to break the habits which are making you unhealthy and overweight.

If you feel sub-consciously that you are not worth it, you will quickly give up any serious attempt at weight loss and will carry on eating too much or not taking exercise because you feel, deep down, your current state is all you deserve.

But is being overweight and unfit good enough for you?

Of course it’s not. We ALL deserve to enjoy good health, fitness and a weight which suits our height and build. Why would anyone deserve any less?

But, if you are not as healthy and slim as you’d like to be and you are not doing everything in your power to change that situation then evidently you do not think that you are worth the effort.

It’s a sobering thought isn’t it?

Maybe you thought your lack of confidence and self-esteem was due to not being in shape – if only you were thinner you imagine you would feel better about yourself. And chances are you will feel better. But you will only get there if you start to feel worthy in the first place!

So how to you go about getting that elusive confidence and self-esteem when you don’t have enough?

Of course this subject could fill a whole book and we can’t cover everything in this article but here are three useful tips to get you started and which will go a long way towards increasing your confidence and self-esteem as well as helping you lose weight.

1. Success in Small Steps

Success breeds success they say. Yet what do we do but set ourselves up for failure time after time by taking on grandiose plans to change our lives in one fell swoop. And of course we don’t succeed. It’s too much too soon. And each failure strikes another blow at our self esteem. Change is difficult for everyone so give yourself the best possible chance of success by making changes one step at a time.

And if you do fall by the wayside now and again remind yourself that you are a human not a robot and it’s perfectly Ok to take two steps forward and one step back. As long as you are learning from your mistakes, you can still hold your head high.

2. Act as If

Treat yourself and behave as if you had already arrived at your target weight and level of fitness. Take care of your body. Look after your hair and skin. Wear clothes which fit. Look the world in the eye and smile (even if you’re shaking inside).

You’ll be amazed at how the world will respond – you are showing that you value and respect yourself and the world will treat you accordingly – with the respect and consideration you give yourself.

3. Be Clear

Be clear about what you want for yourself – if you do not know you can easily waver from your goal. And once you have set your sights firmly on what you want make it clear to others by your words and actions that you mean business.

It’s when you say you want to lose weight and then don’t follow through that people feel free to sabotage your efforts by trying to get you to eat all sorts of things you can do without and to skip your work-outs. They treat your efforts as a joke because you do!

If you are clear and firm with them and you follow through with your actions they are more likely to back off and let you do as you wish after a while. They will see you are serious this time and will respect you more for it. Be clear about what you want and act as if you mean it.

These three steps will create a confidence cycle which will make all the difference to your weight loss efforts. The more you do them the more confident you feel and the more confident you feel the more success you will have.

Know in your heart of hearts you deserve to achieve the shape and fitness level you want – because you do!

Copyright 2006, Janice Elizabeth Small

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Buy the Right Outdoor Furniture

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Oct 012023

Furniture, whether inside or outside the house, adds the required charm to the four bland brick and mortar walls. Outdoor furniture is not meant to be the scrap that indoor furniture has turned into after so many years of usage. Your outdoor furniture not only adds value to the quality of life but also enables you to enjoy nature, with extreme comfort. The variety and quality of outdoor furniture available in the market belies the claims of conservationists who tend to hold the opinion about primacy of indoor furniture. From plastic to wicker to wood to metals, outdoor furniture is available in every material.

Buying and maintaining parameters for outdoor furniture are quite different from indoor furniture. This article aims to provide you with all the basic dos and don’ts while dealing with outdoor furniture.

The first step, of course, is to decide upon the material you prefer in your outdoor furniture. If opting for wooden furniture, Amish made furniture can be an ideal choice for indoor furniture but woods like redwood, teak, balau, cypress, eucalyptus and white oak are naturally suited for outdoor furniture. These woods are insect and rot-resistant that is vital for any outdoor furniture article. These woods have also shown sufficient signs of weather resistance. Ideally, your choice of outdoor furniture depends a great deal on the weather prevalent in your area. Weather can be the biggest enemy of outdoor furniture. Rains, heat and dust could create havoc for a delicate furniture item. If the weather is mild and pleasant, even carefully crafted Amish handcrafted furniture can be given a try. Amish furniture adds gloss to your outdoors and lends grace to your indoors! The general features for outdoor wooden furniture include substantial look and feel, ease of cleaning, periodic maintenance and always cool to touch.

If your choice is wicker furniture for your outdoors, then Rattan vine is the usual material used in making some exotic wicker chairs and tables. The general features for outdoor wicker furniture includes – lightweight, comfortable, tight uniform weave with no splinters, distinctive look and use of some synthetic material like resin.

If your choice is metallic furniture, then aluminum is your best friend for outdoor comforts. Good aluminum furniture will give out a unique look and is also extremely light weight being made of hollow aluminum tubes. Aluminum furniture come either in wrought aluminum or cast aluminum, and both are equally good. The general features for outdoor aluminum furniture includes – durability, rust-free, lightweight, weather-resistant, formal and easy to maintain.

Plastic furniture is also gaining grounds these days more due to its cost-effectiveness than good looks.

Do not forget to keep the budget on outdoor furniture under check. Generally, your outdoors should not look overcrowded with furniture stuffed in every nook and corner. Few but unique furniture items on the outdoors is the ideal approach. Never go by the beauty of the furniture article. Your requirements always come first. So, it’s always handy to have your requirements in mind before you set foot to buy outdoor furniture.

Maintenance of outdoor furniture is another yardstick that should be given due regard. Wood and aluminum furniture comes on top for the maintenance criterion. A good polish or varnish can easily prolong the life of outdoor furniture.

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Debt Management Consultants – Be Debt Free without Taking Loan

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Sep 302023

You have been denied a loan for consolidation of loans and nagging creditors have made life impossible for you. The way out in such a situation is approaching to debt management consultants. They have appropriate solutions for your aggravated debt problems.

The biggest advantage of debt management consultants is that you are not required to go for a loan, as happens in opting for debt consolidation loan. Under debt management you do consolidate debts and interest rate may be reduced or frozen without requiring a loan. The main job of debt management consultants is to negotiate with your creditors in order to make the debt burden lesser for you. In other words, you escape taking an additional debt in the form of a debt consolidation loan.

Debt management consultants are useful in many ways. They can negotiate with your creditors for reducing interest rate or for freezing it. Debt management consultants are able to get you minimized monthly payments so that you have more money for other expenses and paying for installments does not become a burden anymore. More over as your debts are now consolidated under debt management consultant without taking a loan, you now pay only one monthly payment. Another advantage of debt management consultation is that you avoid any legal action from creditors.

Debt management consultants function in a very simple manner. They ask you to fill a detailed application form giving all details of your debts. Within a day debt management consultant approaches you and discusses the ways for managing debts and advises on it. Then the consultant gives you some documents to sign and with that the process begins. The debt management consultant will then notify your creditors that you have joined the management program.

You are required to make your scheduled payment each month to debt management consultants who in turn disburse it to your creditors. And of course you would be paying a fee to the debt management consultants. Your credit score also will get improved as you pay off debts.

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Low Cost Secured Loan – Cheap Money at Your Terms

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Sep 292023

Every borrower wishes the lender approves a loan for a lower interest rate charged on it. Lender however may attach lots of conditions for offering a low cost loan as he would first like to cut his risks. But if the borrower meets some basic conditions a low cost secured loan is easily in his hands in time.

Low cost secured loan is of a low cost because the lender approves it at lower interest rate. And the main reason for lower interest rate is that the borrower takes low cost secured loan against his any valuable property like home. Depending on equity in collateral and good credit history of the borrower, lender reduces interest rate which lowers the cost of loan further. The amount approved as low cost secured loan generally varies from £5000 to £75000 but depends on repaying capacity and equity in collateral. One of the biggest advantages of low cost secured loan is in availing larger repayment duration that ranges from 5 to 30 years. This larger duration enables in picking up a duration that reduces monthly payments towards the installments and saves money for other expenses.

Do not worry if you are labeled bad credit. Lenders approve low cost secured loan for bad credit borrower also as his property secures the loan amount. But such a borrower may loose the property if he defaults on payment of the loan. Compare different low cost secured loan providers online and see who suits best to you in terms of interest rate. For reducing the cost further lower, apply to an online lender for a cost free processing and approval of the loan.

As a borrower, surely you would like to borrow money at lower interest rate. For this purpose lenders have crafted low cost secured loan. The lender approves the loan amount against the borrower’s property. The loan amount depends on lot other factors. Read the article for advantages the loan offers to the borrowers.

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“Adult Acne- The Forbidden Topic”

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Sep 282023


Adult Acne– I left my heart on the floor when I awoke this morning,
looked in the mirror and saw six nasty pimples on my face. My wedding is in two
days. What am I going to do?

I’ve got a big problem I just don’t need right now. I only have two hundred
things left to do before the wedding. I can’t deal with these pimples right

“Don’t panic”, I said to myself. “Relax, sit down. Now what do I know about
this problem and what do they call this mess on my face?”

Then I heard a strange voice. I wrote down what the voice said and it forms
the remainder of this article. The voice said the following:

What is it? It’s, gasp…, ADULT ACNE!

Relax, all is not lost. There is hope. Don’t despair. I’m here to help you
kill the pimples, the blackheads and the blemishes.

Adult acne is curable. Let me say that again. Adult acne is curable.

There are now more adult acne treatments than ever before.

Disclaimer: consult your doctor before following or
relying on any of the information in this article.


The most likely cause is hormonal imbalance in the body, irrespective of
gender. Other causes may be as follows:

– Skin Heredity
– Environmental allergies
– Stress
– Menstrual
– Drugs
– Candidiasis
– Nutritional deficiencies

Your skin is exposed to pollution like smog or just dirty air. Your skin
collects all sorts of bacteria, dirt, dust, grime and debris. When the dirt or bacteria lands on the pore,they eventually get trapped and the pores become
clogged, which leads to acne.


Some adults go into great despair about their acne. Teenagers they assume
they’ll grow out of it. Acne Dysmorphia is a rare syndrome where the individual
gets deeply depressed about their adult acne.

Thank goodness this doesn’t happen much.


Adult acne can be cured. Keep your face clean. I like to clean my face with
water and baking soda either before I retire, in the morning or both. It unclogs
the pores and removes dead skin. Then apply a good moisturizer. Try it. It

Touching is probably one of the most often overlooked reasons for adult acne.
Break the habit of putting your hands on your face! Also rubbing or bracing your chin is another common problem while thinking.

Do not rub, touch, or itch your skin with your hands. Your hands contain a
lot of bacteria that can cause acne flare-ups.

Doctors say that your face is the dirtiest part of your body. Why? It’s
because it is the body part most exposed to the elements. Also one that is most
touched by our hands.

Therefore, carry a small plastic bottle of waterless hand cleaner or
sanitizer. Use it frequently during the day. If you are tempted to touch your
face then such hand cleaning will reduce the possibility that adult acne is


Here are two methods of adult acne treatment.

The first is to cleanse the skin. Next you steam it thoroughly to remove the
acne. Cleansing may be done with vinegar, diluted with water. Some recommend a
solution of 8 parts water to 1 part vinegar. Experiment with the solution until
you find the best formula for your skin. Finally moisturize your skin to prevent

The next acne treatment method is to use benzyl peroxide. Try the proportion
of 5 parts water to 1 part benzyl peroxide daily. At a minimum apply it once or
twice a week if your skin will not tolerate the daily application.

Why? It’s because this solution kills bacteria, helps reduce oils in the skin and opens the pores. Clogged pores are a primary acne producer. Therefore with open pores it is easier to clean the dirt inside of them.

All methods of acne
treatment may be slow in producing results. So who are you goanna call and what
are you going to do when the hot date, prom, party or your wedding is looming
and you got zits? Do you really, really want the answer? Of course you do.

Go to a licensed esthetician (aesthetician) and ask them to extract those
pimples and zits. Like the two estheticians I have at Next Salon in Santa
Monica, California, these professionals will leave you zit free with a smooth,
younger appearing and radiant face. You’ll also be relaxed by the treatment as a limited upper body massage is usually included.

Finally if you have a complicated condition, please see your friendly
Dermatologist for adult acne.

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Be Debt Free-Credit Card Debt Consolidation

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Sep 272023

Credit card is the most lucrative way to make payments to sellers. Equipped with different distinct facilities, it allows you to buy more than you can afford and pay at the end of the month. Now, as long as you own one credit card and are able to make payment regularly, things will move according to expectation. But, the problem will arise when you use too many credit cards without making any regular payments. This will lead you to fall in credit card debt consolidation. But do not despair; there is a way ahead to make you debt free and it leads to credit card debt consolidation.

With credit card debt consolidation, you can easily consolidate all unpaid debts into one single loan. Here, you can easily manage and clear off the debts, which are included in your credit card bills. With it, you can easily avoid further debts due to your card spending. It proves to be beneficial for you in many respects:

▪ It tends to be easy for you to pay to a single creditor than to pay to multiple creditors at a time.

▪ The new creditor generally gives you the chance to enjoy lower interest rate with lower monthly repayments.

▪ Here, you need not to interact with your old creditors, who were in the habit of annoying you about your debts.

Credit card debt consolidation is available both in secured and unsecured forms. You can get it in secured form, just by placing assets as collateral. It could be your car, home or any other related assets, which can be placed as collateral. On the other hand, unsecured credit card debt consolidation loans are available without placing anything as a security.

Another noteworthy feature of credit card debt consolidation is that it is open for all, irrespective of any credit account. Bad credit holders can also gain its benefits. However as far as rate of interest is concerned, a good credit holder can gain the benefit of getting it at a lower rate of interest compared to that person with bad credit score.

You can access information about bad credit debt consolidation through online method, which is perhaps the best method to deal with these kinds of problems. Go to any search engine, just type your request in the search box and meet unlimited lenders, who will provide you necessary information regarding credit card debt consolidation. Analyze information carefully and choose your lender. And in this way, be prepared to live a life faraway from the frustration of unpaid debts.

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Enjoy a debt free life-Secured Debt Consolidation Loan

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Sep 262023

Gone are the days, when your unpaid debts used to trace you like a nightmare. Today things have changed drastically. Now you are free to gain financial assistance, no matter whether you are already sinking in debts. All credit goes to secured debt consolidation loan, which makes it possible.

Secured debt consolidation loan is a type of loan, through which you can easily consolidate all your unpaid debts in to one single manageable loan. Here, a borrower gets an opportunity to pay on single loan to a single creditor, instead of various loans to various creditors. And it can be accessed just by placing collateral against the loaned amount. This collateral could be a car, home or any related property of the borrower. In this way, it is quite different from unsecured debt consolidation loan, where placing collateral is not required.

Secured debt consolidation loan gives you the flexibility of opting for a large sum of money with comfortable repayment duration. Generally, a secured debt consolidation loan is available within a range of £5,000 to £75,000, which can be repaid within 5-25 years. Again, under secured debt consolidation loan, you get the benefit of lower rate of interest compared to unsecured debt consolidation loan.

Very often people having bad credit score face financial problems. They crave for monetary help, but all their efforts end in vain. But secured debt consolidation loan welcomes all of them. Here, every one is eligible to opt for the loan, irrespective of any credit account. And by repaying the monthly installments in time, a bad credit holder also gets the facility to improve his credit score.

Now, you can avail secured debt consolidation loan from banks, financial institutions etc. Just visit them and ask for the loan terms, quotes. However, you can also visit different lenders through online method. They will provide several loan quotes and terms. Just go through these and select the best lender, who will meet all your requirements.

No doubt, these loans are beneficial for you in many respects, but these are not free of faults. Here, in secured debt consolidation loan, you have the risk to lose your home or property. And it occurs, when you fail to repay the loaned amount in time. But it is not likely to happen if you have full confidence upon your repayment ability.

Now, stop lamenting over your unpaid debts and opt for secured debt consolidation loan, which is the best way to make you debt free.

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Mobile Phone Deals: The Best Handsets

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Sep 252023

These days, internet is the best place to shop for mobile phones. Most of the mobile sellers like E2 save, one stop phone shop, Mobile rainbow, Phones 4 you and the mobile shop have gone online. These retailers have forged alliances with the best networks like Virgin, Vodafone, Orange, T-mobile and O2. You can get very lucrative online mobile phone deals like 12 month free line rental deals, reduced line rental deals and Pay-as-you-go phones. All these deals are beneficial deals with a large number of plus points like free minutes, free photo bundles, free mobile insurance and nil line rentals.

A consumer can avail any of these deals keeping in mind his own spending power and specific calling requirements. Most of these merchants also offer the customer freedom to compare the deals on their sites. You can compare deals in terms of gifts, inclusive minutes, insurance and other significant criteria. Mobile phone deals can be categorised into two types: Pay-as-you-go deals and Contract mobile phone deals.

Pay-as-you-go deals do not require the customer to enter in a contract with any particular network. There are no bounds for any customer and no contract period. They are “hassle-free” deals in which a customer just purchases the minutes as and when he needs them.

The contract mobile phone deals require a customer to enter into a contract with the network. A contract period might range from a year to some months. After the contract period gets over, a customer can go for upgrades i.e. switch to a higher level plan.

All these sites offer you a wide variety of handsets ranging from camera phones, stylish handsets to hi-fi 3G phones. Mobile phone deals on all the leading manufacturers like Nokia, Samsung, LG, Sony Ericsson and Motorola are available on these sites.

Mobile phones are an important requirement these days with their useful features. They are an essential tool today both for fun and for some serious work. Mobile phone deals are the easiest way to grab a handset at the cheapest possible rates. Just visit a site, browse through various available handsets and their respective deals, fill some simple information and way to go. You have a mobile delivered right at your doorstep within a few days. So, what are you waiting for, just visit a mobile site and go on a mobile shopping spree. Hurrah….

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