
VW Introduces Powertrain Roadmap For An Oil Free Epoch

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Sep 182023

Volkswagen, world’s fourth largest car manufacturer after GM, Toyota and Ford has earlier published its powertrain roadmap which is intended to create a petroleum-free future.

Fossil fuels need to be used as sparingly as possible. Hence, in an effort to clean air and regulate the use of fossil fuels, VW releases a roadmap that advances auto parts Volkswagen. Automaker’s direct injection systems (TSI), turbo-diesels (TDI), and dual clutch gearboxes (DSG) are some of the auto parts technologies that VW is concentrating on. These modern internal combustion technologies will be mated to electric motors in new hybrid powertrains.

The diesels are also being enhanced with the BlueTec emissions control technology from Mercedes. Subsequently, the automaker will be replacing fossil fuels with biofuels like cellulosic ethanol and biodiesel. This is done to neutralize fuels carbon and avoid generating carbon dioxide from the combustion.

In addition, VW’s long term goal is work on high-temperature fuel-cells (HTFC). This is because the automaker believes that the low-temperature being used these days have no bright future in the auto industry so it is aiming for something different yet better. According to Prof. Dr. Jürgen Leohold, director of Volkswagen Corporate Research, “The high-temperature fuel cell will make the total system in the car lighter, more compact, durable and economical.” They expect to start testing their new fuel cell design in vehicles in 2009, but don’t foresee production before 2020.

The roadmap to an epoch free of oil is a strategy of VW that integrates highly innovative technologies to most excellent types of powertrains these days like the TDI, TSI and DSG. Clean TDI engines are special component of BLUETEC. These innovative technologies from the automaker can be had through pure electrical traction.

Clean TDI engines are set to comply with the strictest emissions laws around the globe. CCS is designed to serve as a key technology for a society which is free from petroleum. On the one hand, HTFC could serve as a breakthrough for hydrogen-powered vehicles. The prototypes of HTFC will be open for trials in 2009. In addition, the first production versions are expected to arrive before 2020.

VW will continue with its study about creating more powerful powertrains that won’t make environment suffer. The mentioned viable engine types will soon invade the roads.

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The Secured Loan- Uncovered and Explained

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Sep 172023

Have you ever tried to have a business conversation with a loan professional that spoke to you in such a way that the fancy terminology made you feel ignorant? Did you have any idea what they were talking about? If you’re looking for a basic summary of secured loans, you’ve come to the right place. After reading through this single page, you will possess enough information to further your education about secured loans, as they are uncovered and explained for the “non-financial professional” person to understand.

First and foremost is the term “secured loan”. The word “secure” means “free from risk”. Security in this sense is in regards to the lender. A secured loan is money granted with something (like a house, boat, car) held as collateral. Simply put, if you don’t pay your loan as arranged, the financial institution that gave you the loan has the right to come and take your property as payment.

There are a few other differences between secured and unsecured loans. For example, the amount of interest paid on a secured loan is significantly lower than that of an unsecured loan. The reasoning behind this goes back to the original definition of secure and the amount of risk involved. A bank will charge you less money if they are guaranteed a “win-win” situation, like with a secured loan.

Of course, the amount of money borrowed will affect the payment amount. Traditional, secured loans range from £3,000 to £50,000, but have been known to be as high as £250,000 from certain lenders. A predesignated loan payment will be paid for a prearranged amount of time. Both the borrower and lender should be aware of these terms before any legally binding agreement is signed.

There are several laws in place to protect both the borrower and lender in the secured loan industry. If the borrower is purchasing a home with a secured loan (often referred to as a mortgage), the loan is subject to the Consumer Credit Act of 1974. Within this act are the strict guidelines as to the act of lending money for loans up to £25,000. Any loan for a greater amount is not regulated. Before a regulated secured loan is written, a legally binding credit agreement for the terms of your individual loan program must be signed by all involved parties. A consideration period of at least 7 days must be granted to the borrower by the lender for you to change your mind and rescind on the loan.

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Guide to Getting UK Car Insurance

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Sep 162023

Remember back when you had to travel from insurer to insurer or spend hours on the telephone ringing up possible insurers to find the best deal on car insurance? Who actually has the extra time anymore to run all over town? Besides, the odds aren’t in your favor that you actually found the best deal, anyhow. That’s why so many of us are now shopping on the World Wide Web for those tough to find items that require comparison shopping, with insurance being at the top of the list. Here’s a quick and easy guide to getting car insurance in the UK.

1. Service is a top priority. What good does saving a few pounds do for anyone if your claim is constantly placed at the back of the pile, your telephone messages go unreturned, and you’re inconvenienced for weeks on end? These things are called accidents are for a reason, and the entire scenario can be exhausting enough without your insurer dragging their feet at every possible avenue. So before you agree to the terms and conditions of an insurer, be sure to check their customer satisfaction ratings and for any complaints filed.

2. Price is another important point to consider. And the best way to get the best price is by comparison shopping. Be sure to inform any potential insurer that you will be getting multiple quotes from other insurers. This will help to keep them at the top of their game and at the bottom of their price.

3. Have your VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) ready. Just because you’re driving a Honda Civic, it doesn’t mean that you’ll be paying the same rate as someone else with a Honda Civic, even if your driving records are exactly the same. Your auto might have anti-lock brakes and an anti-theft device of sorts, while the other might have an expensive sound system. All of these things will have an effect your individual quote and final price.

4. Don’t be afraid to say NO! If you don’t need the extra coverage for compact discs, don’t buy it- no matter how much the insurer tells you that it’s a good idea to have. You’ll need basic collision to protect your car, comprehensive to protect others, and a few other tidbits depending on your individual situation. For instance, perhaps your auto has a loan from the bank attached to it. In this case, you are technically not the owner of the car–the bank is, and they can demand as much insurance coverage as they’d like on their investment.

5. Just because something is easy, it doesn’t mean it’s bad. There are some highly qualified websites out there on the Internet who will do all of the comparison-shopping for you. Such a service is free, as you, the insured, do not pay for this service; the insurance company you choose picks up the bill.

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What Is A Cash Paid Survey?

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Sep 152023

Cash paid surveys have become a considerable source for extra cash for many people today. It is a pretty convenient and easy way to earn extra money with very little work effort, from the comfort of your own home. This sounds unbelievable to some, nevertheless it is true. If you are looking for an extra income generator from your own home, then prepare yourself before taking the plunge.

How To Get Setup with Cash Paid Surveys

The first thing to do is to select a few sites that offer cash paid surveys and read carefully what they are offering you. There are basically two kind of paid survey sites:

– sites that offer you direct access to the marketing companies who process the surveys.

– sites act as “the middle man”

On the first type of sites you will have to browse a database and apply for the surveys you are interested in.

The “middle man” sites have agreements with big marketing companies from which they receive the surveys and then distribute them through their registered users. With these kind of sites, you will have to passively wait for surveys to complete.

Be Aware Of The Non Cash Paid Sites

You should also be aware that not all paid surveys are actually cash paid surveys… Some surveys do not offer money as a reward for completing them. Instead, you might receive a free product or a service as your reward; discounts at certain merchants, vouchers or coupons, free trials, etc.

There are even surveys out there that allow you to participate in a competition upon their completion. If you are not really interested in these kinds of remunerations, it’s better to make this decision yourself in advance to avoid disappointment later.

Another important issue to sort out is how you will get the cash and who is paying. If you have joined a mediator type of survey site, you are usually paid by that site, not the one you are doing the end survey for. If you on the other hand have joined a database of companies seeking survey participants you are likely to be paid by the surveying company. Regardless of the details you should be aware of the payment method they use – are you going to be paid by check or by bank transfer etc.

Double Check Your Details!

Finally you should make sure that your personal details will be used as stated in the contact details you originally submitted. Unfortunately, there are still many fraud survey web sites out there that would offer you to participate in a cash paid survey, for the sole purpose of getting hold of your personal details. From there, your details can later be sold to other companies and you may end up receiving hundreds of unsolicited mail and SPAM emails.

Cash paid surveys are fun to take and they can help you improve your lifestyle with no hassle at all… just make sure you do your homework upfront.

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How To Use A Data Recovery Company

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Sep 142023

It is no wonder that people go after a data recovery company for recovering the data they have lost. There are some important issues that you should look for in such a company when you ask them to recover the lost data for you. Some of the points that you should be aware of are dealt with in this article.

Positive points to Look For In a Data Recovery Company

Ask for a free diagnostic evaluation of your computer to find out if there is something that they can do to help. These companies should give you a guarantee to get your data back. If they couldn’t do this then you should not be charged. Because many of your files can be very personal, the data recovery company should be confidential. They should be able to recover all media, file systems and OS. A good data recovery service company should also have multiple full service recovery labs to help you.

Additional Benefits you can expect from a company that recovers data

Before you pay for the service rendered you have to get the list of recoveries that are made from your system. In North America, there is only one ISO certified data recovery company. If you need one of these data recovery companies, then you need to make sure you look if your data recovery company can do this. Your satisfaction is utmost important. There should be sophisticated research and development programs with such company, as well as warranty authorized. They should be factory authorized with DLT, SDLT, JAZ and ZIP.

Data Recovery Companies Save a lot of your valuable time

You might be having a very busy schedule in your business that you don’t have time for spending on data recovery. In such cases the data recovery companies come to your rescue. They take the load off your shoulders and ensure you of your data back. Such companies should be authorized and sophisticated to handle such issues. You can pay such companies only if you see some progress in recovery. Otherwise there is no need to pay for them. they save a lot of time so that you can spend your time in meetings and other agendas instead of sitting before the system and recovering data.

A data recovery company can be a valuable business partner. However, the evaluation of your needs should be in place before you decide whether or not to work with such a company. Then you can decide which company you want to work with eventually.

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Goji Juice Scams; How To Reveal Them

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Sep 132023

Goji juice is juice from the goji fruit or berry and is more and more accepted as having a great health potential. You can buy this elixir in health food stores as well as online. However, watch out for more scams! There a many of them out there.

When we say “goji juice scam” we normally mean one out of two very different scams. One of these would relate to the quality of the advertised goji juice. Let’s say that an advertisement did not mention Himalayan goji berries. This could be seen as a goji juice scam as only the Himalayan berries have a nutritional profile that includes close to one dozen different ingredients.

While there is at least one goji juice scam that deprives consumers of a good quality goji juice, there is yet a second, no less dangerous form for this kind of scam. The second goji scam concerns the nature of information regarding one mineral in the goji juice. The second scam leaves out all of the available information about a mineral called selenium.

Selenium is a mineral that can act to lower a man’s risk of prostate cancer can be added to the diet by drinking goji juice. Selenium has the great ability to slow or prevent the occurrence of cancer. Researchers have linked selenium’s cancer-fighting abilities to the action of certain enzymes. This mineral aids the production of those enzymes, thus giving it the capacity to ward-off cancer risks. At the present time studies have shown that a daily intake of at least 70 micrograms of selenium should be the goal of all who wish to remain free of cancer

Now the offering of such information on the selenium mineral should not be seen as a goji juice scam. If, however, the imparter of that information tried to encourage people to a daily intake of more than 70 micrograms of selenium, then that could be seen as a goji juice scam. That is because it is possible for a person to eat too much of this mineral.

If one were to eat a quantity far above 100 micrograms each day, then that excess amount of selenium could cause nausea, bad breath, rash, dizziness, weakness and cold symptoms. Further, consuming more than 60 micrograms of selenium per day is bad for pregnant women because a high intake of selenium has in several studies appeared to be linked to birth complications.

A man who wants to avoid prostate cancer – and who doesn’t – needs a slightly different diet than a woman who is carrying a child. That fact ought to be included in any serious literature about selenium. This should also be mentioned in an advertisement for goji juice or on its packaging as the failure to highlight that fact might be seen as a goji juice scam.

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Eat to Lose Weight + Live Longer

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Sep 122023

Eating a nutritious diet and getting enough physical activity can reduce your risk of many diseases and help you live a longer, healthier life. Heart disease, some types of cancer, obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes can be prevented or controlled simply by following a healthy diet and lifestyle.

It is never too late to start eating right. Here are some helpful tips.

+EAT A LARGE NUTRITIOUS BREAKFAST. This will rev up your metabolism and make it easier for your body to burn fat.

+EAT AT LEAST 5 SERVINGS OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLES EVERY DAY. Eating vegetables in their most natural state (raw) is more nutritious for your body but cooked vegetables are fine, too. If it is a struggle to get that many fruits and vegetables into your daily diet, try vegetable soups or fruit smoothies made in a blender.

+EAT WHOLE GRAINS. Avoid white bread and white rice as they have had the fiber processed out of them. Use only food made with whole grain such as whole grain breads, cereals, wheat germ, barley and brown rice. Whole grains are high in fiber and help prevent constipation and keep your bowels toxin-free.

+CUT OUT WHITE FOODS (sugar, flour, donuts, crackers, etc.). These foods are over-processed and have no nutritional value. They raise insulin levels, protecting your stored fat instead of burning it off. If you have these foods lying around in your kitchen, get rid of them! They will only provide temptation for you.

+DRINK LOTS OF WATER, at least 8 glasses a day, instead of soda or other sweetened beverages. Water flushes out the system and eliminates harmful toxins. It forces the body to run more efficiently, speeds up metabolism, and makes it easier to lose weight and burn fat.

+EAT PROTEIN. Lean meat, poultry, fish, eggs, and dried beans all provide protein. Make sure you take the skin off of poultry and eat only lean meats.

+EAT ONLY GOOD FATS. Unsaturated fats do not raise cholesterol levels. Foods with unsaturated fat include olive oil, vegetable oils, fish, avocados, and many nuts.

+WATCH PORTION SIZES. Always be aware of how much you are eating. Never choose super-sized portions at restaurants.


Physical activity helps you feel better and improves your health. Use some of the tips listed below:

+Walk! Every day, take a walk, inside or outside, alone or with a friend or family member. Walk as briskly as you can and swing your arms. Breathe deeply. You will start to feel better almost immediately. Shoot for a mile a day. Try to increase it just a little each day. The more you walk, the easier it becomes and the more you will want to do it.

+If you work in an office, use the stairs instead of the elevator. Park your car in the farthest parking space from the building. Get up and walk during your break instead of sitting down and eating a snack.

+If you have access to an indoor swimming pool, use it several times a week. Swimming, along with walking, is an excellent aerobic exercise that gets your heart pumping and revs up your metabolism.

+Go bicycling with your kids. Bicycling is another aerobic exercise that provides fun, relaxation and quality time with your family. Ride your bike to work! If you cannot bicycle outside, try a stationary bike. Watch TV or listen to music while you pedal.

+Take up roller-skating (or ice-skating or roller-blading), another aerobic exercise that is so much fun! Bring your kids with you.

+Take a fitness class, a Yoga class or take dancing lessons. All are fun and provide great exercise.

Any and all kinds of physical activity will help you stay healthy. Aim for 20 to 30 minutes every day. The more active you are, the healthier you will become.

Eating your way to good health is not as difficult as you think. If you can make some changes in your eating habits and your lifestyle, you are on your way to a healthier you.

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Arthritis Treatment Using Natural Remedies

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Sep 112023

So much is written about arthritis and you can get confused as to what causes arthritis and what arthritis treatments are effective. Arthritis is an inflammatory condition. This inflammation come from infections. Infections come from a variety of conditions such as:

Bacteria, viruses, pathogens, yeast that you ingest or that is already in your body

Air pollution from cars or from your work environment

Un-natural food that you eat that is processed or irradiated

Food additives such as dyes, colorings, preservatives, enhancers, gases, sugar

Contaminants in your water such as fluoride, chloride and other substances

Stress from your work and home life

This small list gives you an idea of the many chemicals and emotional sources that can lead to infections in the body and result in arthritis. You can see that all of these sources are part of your regular diet and lifestyle. Now if you couple this with a weak immune system, you set the stage for some serious arthritis conditions. A weak immune system can not control and eliminate these infections so these infections can turn into serious inflammations.

Because of toxins and infections, there are very few people that will escape developing arthritis in their life time.

But for those of you that are health conscious and look to prevent various illnesses, here are some arthritis treatments and arthritis preventive measures.

Arthritis Treatment

The first step you need to take is to take daily antioxidants. You get antioxidants in the deep dark red, blue, black berries and other fruits. Pomegranate juice is one of the most powerful antioxidant juices and provides arthritis protection. Recently I have been using Purity Products Super Reds and New Vitality’s Ruby Reds Powder. I put one scoop of powder in some apple juice or other juice and add a dropper full of green tree extract. This gives me a high dose of antioxidants to fight off the heavy dose of free radicals that I consume from the air, food, and thought. Remember free radicals attack tissue causing infections and inflammation in every part of your body.

These powders are great tasting and are good for the kids in the morning.

So now, if you add juicing to your morning habit, you will be adding high levels of antioxidants and in addition many minerals and vitamins that buildup your immune system. Use pineapple, alfalfa sprouts, cantaloupe, apricot, cabbage, and cucumber juices. And, you can add a bit of ginger juice to gives you anti-inflammatory protection.

In a recent article, I wrote about Lion’s Mane. Here you have a powerful immune system enhancer. It contains 3 Chinese mushrooms – Lion’s Mane, Maitake, Reishi -that will buildup your immune system and in addition improve your memory. I have been using this for only a week and I can sense a slight improvement in my memory and how quickly words come into my thought as I express myself. Build up your immune system and this is a powerful arthritis treatment. You body will be able to fight of toxic matter and at the same time protect your joints from infection and inflammation.

This is just a start in dealing with pain and inflammation wherever it maybe in your body – in your joints, organs, or tissues. Use antioxidants and red powders to prevent inflammation. Use juices to give you minerals and vitamins to help improve your immune system. And then give yourself a powerful immune stimulator by take Lion’s Mane. Now you have an arthritis treatment that can start protecting your joints and other parts of your body from arthritic infection and inflammation.

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